Qual é a história por trás dos três pontos vistos dentro da garganta de Pennywise que fez as crianças flutuarem?


Antes de fazer a pergunta, observe que spoilers estão lá à frente.

No filme TI , há uma cena em que uma das crianças é capturada pelo palhaço Pennywise , e quando ela levanta a criança, vemos três pontos amarelados giratórios dentro de sua garganta depois que ele abre a boca.

Então, minha pergunta é: qual é a história por trás desses pontos / a razão para as crianças flutuarem?

Até onde eu sei, o palhaço é um metamorfo e se alimenta do medo dos outros.

por HardikT 21.09.2017 / 07:39

2 respostas

A flutuação de crianças não estava no livro. O diretor disse ao GameSpot :

"That was, you know, sort of metaphoric in the book. In my mind I suddenly pictured these guys literally floating in the air around that grotesque pile of toys, and it seemed like a great idea".

"[In the book] it's some sort of symbolic depiction of dying, and floating is like, you know, 'Your soul will come into my inter-dimensional realm,'" he continued. "But I didn't want to introduce the macroverse and the inter-dimensional cosmic element into the story, because It, for me, was so much about the Losers and their journey, and I wanted to keep the story as pure and as focused on that point of view as possible."

Mas não há explicação de como Pennywise faz o flutuante. Talvez isso seja explicado na sequência.

De reddit , por rdhight :

It exposes them to the Deadlights. We don't know how the process works physically, but that's what we see happen. It opens Its mouth and shows Beverly the Deadlights; her eyes cloud over and she floats. While she floats, she has a vision of the future.

A person who lives in this world is forcibly connected to something from outside it. As a result, she goes partially immune to this world's laws.

por chelseaWDW :

I'm guessing the kids that were floating weren't afraid of IT, as Billie says to Pennywise as he was about to fall down his hibernation well, "That's why you didn't kill Beverly, cause she wasn't afraid, and we aren't either, not anymore, now you're the one who's afraid, cause you're gonna starve".

This just represents the fact that, if the kids that Pennywise captures are no longer afraid he makes them float.

21.09.2017 / 09:49

Esses pontos são os deadlights (forma verdadeira de Pennywise) e a razão pela qual as crianças estão flutuando é porque Pennywise é uma entidade fora do tempo e do espaço e como tal tem poderes místicos.

As seguintes daqui :

It apparently originated from an undiscovered void containing and surrounding the entire Universe, a place referred to in the novel as the "Macroverse" (a concept later established as the Todash Darkness of the Dark Tower Novels)


It's natural form exists in a realm beyond the physical, which It calls the "deadlights" (described as writhing, destructive orange lights). Coming face to face with the deadlights drives any living being instantly insane. Bill comes dangerously close to seeing the deadlights; after looking into It's eyes, he saw the shape behind the shape for a brief moment. He described the sight as an endless, crawling hairy creature made of orange light.

Apenas uma nota, esse site tem uma tonelada de spoilers.

21.09.2017 / 14:39