Sim, ela fez.
Petunia é o único irmão de Lily. Os pais de Lily e Petunia morreram de causas naturais antes de Harry e Dudley nascerem.
James Potter era o único filho de seus pais, que eram um pouco mais velhos. Os pais de James também morreram de causas naturais antes do nascimento de Harry.
JK Rowling disse que ela não faz menção a eles nos livros porque eles não têm nada a ver com a história. Ela propositadamente teve que Petúnia ser o único parente disponível para Harry por motivos de trama.
MA: What about Harry's family — his grandparents — were they killed?
JKR: No. This takes us into more mundane territory. As a writer, it was more interesting, plot-wise, if Harry was completely alone. So I rather ruthlessly disposed of his entire family apart from Aunt Petunia. I mean, James and Lily are massively important to the plot, of course, but the grandparents? No. And, because I do like my backstory: Petunia and Lily's parents, normal Muggle death. James's parents were elderly, were getting on a little when he was born, which explains the only child, very pampered, had-him-late-in-life-so-he's-an-extra-treasure, as often happens, I think. They were old in wizarding terms, and they died. They succumbed to a wizarding illness. That's as far as it goes. There's nothing serious or sinister about those deaths. I just needed them out of the way so I killed them.
ETA: Como alguém pode perguntar, aqui está um link para o HP Lexicon , minha fonte. Isto liga-se às informações sobre os avós de Harry Potter; as informações sobre seus avós de Evans podem ser encontradas clicando nos links de Lily, bem como no link relevante relevante em Pottermore