Como se constata, existem 24 Casas Klingon que existem em outros Planetas Klingon. E as condições de cada planeta, criaram axiomas para diversas culturas. Então Star Trek: Discovery quer explorá-los, quando eles começam a formar um império ...
"The empire is very big. They don’t all grow up on Kronos. They don’t all live on the same planets and certainly those different planets would have different environments. So how would the cultures have evolved differently?…We tried to come up with cultural axioms for each house so each looks different and they bear a cultural patina like our cultures do here on Earth."
"What can you say to reassure us that we’re not losing the Klingons we know and love?” a furtive audience member asked during the Q&A portion. Mitchell assured the crowd that the recent publicity still image released was of one Klingon, from one house. “We will see all 24 houses and the leaders among them,” he revealed. The houses will be explored, and the physical and ideological differences between them. L’Rell is part of two houses, Chieffo explained, and the conflicts arising therein, as well as how she is viewed by the Federation versus her own people, will be explored in depth."
Especulação: Depois de assistir aos três primeiros episódios lançados, o episódio três parece sugerir que esta pode ser uma história encoberta da guerra fria - e, portanto, pode haver outras razões por que, talvez tempos posteriores no universo desta linha do tempo (algumas das outras séries de TV / filmes) não visitem / se deparem com essas outras casas Klingon - talvez elas deixarão de existir quando a série terminar ...