Harry Potter fanfic com Harry tentando suicídio usando uma “maldição de corte” ensinada por Dumbledore


Estou procurando uma história, uma fanfiction. Aqui está tudo que eu lembro:

  1. Dumbledore ensinou a Harry uma maldição para cortar panquecas
  2. Ele usou essa maldição para cortar seu pulso, mas não conseguiu controlar o outro antes de desmaiar (as lágrimas de Dittany e Fawkes são usadas para fechá-lo principalmente)
  3. Severus ofereceu-lhe chá quando eles começaram a falar
  4. Harry começou a ter alucinações quando perdeu a dose de medicação devido à conversa, e Severus o acalma e faz com que ele relaxe em um berço no Largo Grimmauld
  5. Harry tem que usar uma funda (Remus o ajuda a se vestir e usa um charme para vestir) e usar uma bengala
  6. Orbs estão em sua cama para que ele possa obter ajuda
  7. Uma pequena cobra na cama segura seu roupão e enlouquece Ron
  8. Diggle fere o ombro e a perna já danificados de Harry
  9. Remus (como um chefe) abre a porta do banheiro
  10. Todos na Ordem sabem que ele tentou morrer e imediatamente debatem sobre a severidade e a apropriação de permanecer como seu guarda se "ele corre de cabeça no inimigo"
  11. Um demônio aterrorizou Dumbledore como um Harry morto antes de Remus acalmá-lo

Eu pesquisei todas as variações de frases em que eu conseguia pensar.

por Dolan 10.08.2016 / 08:17

1 resposta

Pois o teu é o poder

Todos os elementos parecem combinar. Aqui estão os seis primeiros.

  1. Dumbledore ensinou a Harry uma maldição para cortar panquecas.

    Albus closed his eyes. "I taught him the Slicing Curse," he admitted in a tight voice.

    That got both Remus's and Poppy's attention; both turned to stare at him. "Albus, what were you thinking?" the witch asked him incredulously.

    "I used it on his pancakes," Albus explained distantly. "He asked him to teach it to him. I did not expect... well."

  2. Ele usou essa maldição para cortar seu pulso.

    Picking it up, he ran his fingers down its long length, stroking the wood with water-softened fingers. There was a thought in the back of his mind, trying to come forwards; rather than chase it, he let his mind drift, toying absently with eleven inches of holly and phoenix feather. He remembered, as if in a dream, the day he had bought the wand, the first spell he had cast with it...

    ...the spell he had learned that day. The Slicing Curse.

    Turning over his left hand, he traced the vein along the forearm with the wand---then he spoke the incantation and did it again.

  3. Severus ofereceu-lhe chá quando eles começaram a conversar.

    Watching the boy out of the corner of his eye, Severus took one of his own. Absently chewing on it, he waved his wand over the table; a tea set materialized a moment later. "I fear that long exposure to the Headmaster has accustomed me to tea with my biscuits," he said wryly. "If I help you to sit up, do you promise not to move except to drink your tea?"

    Potter nodded after a moment. "Please," he said.

  4. Harry começou a ter alucinações quando sentiu falta da dose de medicação.

    This is getting us nowhere rapidly. They were caught in a catch-22: the boy's current state was most likely due to lack of this very potion, for it had some odd withdrawal effects, but the boy's current state was effectively preventing him from administering it. He could stupefy the boy and pour the potion down his throat, but he was oddly reluctant to do so to a child who was so clearly terrified.

  5. Harry tem que usar uma funda (Remus o ajuda a se vestir e usa um charme para vestir) e usar uma bengala.

    It took several discreet shortening and widening spells, but finally Harry was dressed in trousers that would neither catch on the bandages on his knee, nor trip him up. The short-sleeved shirt was easier--it only required a bit of widening to the right shoulder to go on comfortably, and Harry could even get it on by himself. They didn't bother altering the jacket, which Harry thought was a little new to be something Charlie no longer wore. Instead, they tucked Harry's arm into a sling and simply used a weak sticking charm to hold the right shoulder on. Finally, Madame Pomfrey tied his trainers for him.

  6. Orbs estão em sua cama para que ele possa obter ajuda .

    He touched the yellow glass half-orb three times in rapid succession and they could hear an alarm faintly through the walls. After letting it sound for a few seconds, he touched it again and it went silent. "There's two more we've added instead to the headboard above you."

O décimo primeiro também menciona.

  1. Um demônio aterrorizou Dumbledore.

    His choked gasp brought Albus running; he stepped aside to allow the Headmaster to see, whereupon there was a muffled crack and suddenly Harry was lying in a slowly-spreading pool of his own blood. Remus drew a shaky breath and closed the closet door firmly, nearly in Albus's face, before collapsing against it. "Just a boggart," he said unsteadily. "It was only a boggart."

10.08.2016 / 09:18