Onde obter capítulos de substituição para o “Ender's Game”?


Existe algum lugar onde eu possa ler os capítulos finais do "Ender's Game"? Card disse que ele reescreveu o último par de capítulos para combinar melhor com seus livros posteriores e também fazer justiça a Ender. Onde posso obter uma cópia desses capítulos?

por Padawan 06.07.2016 / 05:31

1 resposta

Do posfácio de "Ender In Exile":

Therefore, I have rewritten chapter 15 of Enders Game, and at some future date there will be an edition of the novel that includes the revised chapter. Meanwhile, the entire text is online for anyone who has ever bought or ever buys any issue of my magazine Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show (oscIGMS.com). I have linked it to that magazine because every issue of it contains a story from the Enders Game universe. My hope is that if you buy an issue in order to read that revised chapter, you'll also sample all the stories in that issue and find out what an excellent group of writers we've been publishing there.

06.07.2016 / 06:06