O que é esse antigo avião do US Army Air Corps?


Esta foto foi tirada pelo meu avô em 1918 no Rich Field em Wako, TX. Eu não acho que é um Taube por causa da estrutura da frente, tipo de motor, 4 rodas, forma da fuselagem, etc.

por W Steward 15.08.2017 / 14:19

1 resposta

Bem, esta é uma ave rara! O monoplano 'DEHAN':

De este fórum :

More about Dr.Ing. Jacob Emil Noeggerath (Nöggerath ?),from the first Lange's book :

He had in 19011/12 the HUNGARIAN " DEHAN ":) monoplane designed ,wich was flown at München-Oberwiesenfeld.

There is another short passage about it in the Etrich book by Hanuš Salz.

Dr. med. Theodor Dieterle let built this monoplane in the Otto works in Munich in 1913. He was supported by J.E. Noeggerath (not Nöggerath) who corresponds with Etrich since 1911 and was probably involved in the design too.

It had an unusual longitudinal stabilisation system with a sort of tank? at the front that later was removed.

Hanuš Salz named it "Dieterle Schwalbe" or "Taube" only. I prefer the term "Schwalbe" as the wings are peaked and the tail even it is not splitted but inward curved and not Taube-like.

After this machine was tested with the swiss army, they contacted Etrich as well. Only an order for his machines was not realised.

Assim, parece que o avião era um único, encomendado por dois médicos em Zurique, projetado por Etrich (daí a semelhança das asas com as do Taube), construído em Munique e voado na Suíça.

O que, é claro, deixa outra pergunta: como surgiu no Texas em 1918? (Ou fez isso?)

Há muito mais informações em esta página sob o nome 'Dieterle Schwalbe'. Em particular:

Als Besonderheit verfügte die ‚Dieterle-Schwalbe‘ vor der Rumpfnase über eine mit Bleischrot gefüllte, jederzeit verstellbare Metallkapsel von ca. 10 kg. Mit diesem Vorgewicht konnte der Aeroplan während des Fluges ausbalanciert werden. Mit der Lenkbarkeit und dem Sturzflugverhalten von Flugapparaten hat Dieterle sich intensiv beschäftigt und seine Erkenntnisse in mehreren Bulletins des Aero Clubs 1914/15 veröffentlicht. Ob das Resultat seiner Forschungsarbeit in die Entwicklung späterer Sturzkampfbomber wie der Ju 87 eingeflossen ist, kann vermutet werden.

Tradução do Google:

As a special ordered that, Dieterle Swallow 'in front of the fuselage nose over a column filled with lead shot, at any time adjustable metal capsule of about 10 kg. With this pre-Wicht of Aeroplan could be balanced in flight. With the steerability and the nosedive of Aerial equipment Dieterle has intensively and published his findings in several bulletins of the Aeroclub 1914/15. Whether the result of his research has gone into the development of later dive bombers like the Ju 87, can be suspected.

Em outras palavras, Dieterle ordenou especialmente que houvesse uma caixinha de "pré-peso" de cerca de 10 kg de chumbo preso na frente da fuselagem e que pudesse ser ajustado em vôo para equilibrar a aeronave.

A legenda diz: "The 'Dieterle Swallow' com o característico Pre-weight; Oberwiesenfeld January 1913"

16.08.2017 / 05:04