No universo, a novelização ( de acordo com o wiki do BttF ) atribui isso ao Doutor Brown não estar confortável em torno de nenhum tipo de multidões, e querendo evitar quaisquer pessoas que possam estar no shopping por outras razões (como o cinema deixando sair).
"Doc Brown eased the venerable step-van onto the Twin Pines Mall parking lot shortly after midnight. There were more cars than he expected, so he pulled to the far rim of the asphalt area and waited. "Must be a long movie," he said to himself. "
—From Back to the Future by George Gipe (quote, page 41)
"A few minutes later, several dozen people emerged at once from the mall's interior and moved to their cars. A series of starting engines, blinking lights and squealing rubber enlivened the vast treeless plain for a few minutes. Then all was silence again. The faint smell of gasoline fumes hung in the thick air as the tiny specks of light disappeared into the morning darkness. In comparative solitude once again, Brown felt better. People made him feel vaguely insecure."
—From Back to the Future by George Gipe (quote, pages 41 and 42)
É verdade que isso explica por que tarde da noite, mas não às 1:15 da manhã, especificamente.