Em Cupcake Wars, como eles recebem os cupcakes vencedores do evento?


No final de cada episódio de Cupcake Wars , duas equipes criaram estandes decorativos elaborados que dão suporte a 1000 cupcakes cada. A equipe vencedora tem seu stand (s) decorativo (s) e cupcakes trazidos para um evento.

Minha pergunta é: como eles transportam as arquibancadas e os cupcakes? Se eles tiverem que dirigir várias milhas, muitos dos cupcakes não serão danificados ou danificados durante o transporte? Os estandes são transportados com todos os cupcakes no lugar (o que parece improvável), e se não, quem remove todos os cupcakes, embala-os para o trânsito e depois coloca todos os 1000 cupcakes novamente no local?

por BrettFromLA 25.05.2017 / 21:03

1 resposta

Os cupcakes são uma mentira ... essencialmente.

O "evento" não é aquela noite.

Em Reddit :

2) The in-kitchen filming did take place in one day, but not necessarily the staged drama. The final challenge that I mentioned before, where they had to make 1000 cupcakes, was for a Hollywood event that was supposedly that night. It was actually weeks later.

Todos os cupcakes feitos naquele dia são :

MG: After each show, the winners always get to go to these parties; why aren’t the judges invited?
FB: Of course since it is TV, they make you think the party is that night. It would be impossible to have the show shoot the same days as the events. On TV, we make it look like they go straight to the parties. They show up at a later date and it makes it more difficult. The winning display is saved but they have to re-bake all of the thousand cupcakes. The day of shooting those cupcakes go to charity. Sometimes the contestants are coming from the East Coast and the party is in Los Angeles. So it is a big of trip sometimes for these contestants.

25.05.2017 / 21:12