Gally sempre foi ele mesmo?


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No livro Maze Runner, Gally corre para o labirinto depois que um Gathering é realizado entre todos os Keepers.

Gally later goes missing until the end of the book when the Gladers get out of the maze. Ava, the scientist reveals there is one more Variable. Gally mentions "They... can... control me". Then he throws a knife killing Chuck under the control of the Creators.

Quando Gally estalou no Gathering, ele ficou puto, ou ele estava sob controle dos criadores o tempo todo?

por matrixugly 29.09.2014 / 19:37

1 resposta

Gally was himself in the gathering. The only bit he was being controlled in was the bit where he killed Chuck. He was always annoyed because he didn't like the fact that Thomas had gone into the maze and broken rules and he felt that the punishment Thomas had was not severe enough for the crime he had committed,

Espero que ajude eu tenho mais informações sobre Gally, mas se você quiser que eu edite a pergunta, então me avise

19.11.2015 / 09:16