A menos que você esteja em trânsito, chegue atrasado e tenha um voo que parte no dia seguinte, você não poderá passar a noite em San Jose Aeroporto Internacional
No person shall sleep in or remain in the Airport terminals overnight for the purpose of lodging, unless: (a) the person has arrived at, is in transit through, or will be departing from the Airport as an airline passenger within twenty-four (24) hours, as evidenced by a valid travel itinerary, ticket, or boarding pass matching the person’s valid identification; or (b) the person is awaiting the arrival of a travel passenger due to arrive within two (2) hours, or within four (4) hours if the passenger’s travel has been delayed, as evidenced by verifiable travel information
Overnight The period each day between the hours of 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., or in the International Arrivals Facility from one hour after the last international flight using that facility to one hour before the first international flight of the day using that Facility.
A segurança está sob a alçada de uma unidade especial do Departamento de Polícia de São José, a Divisão Aeroportuária a quem você pode conheça se você decidir passar a noite no SJC.