O que é “The Dark” e onde posso aprender mais sobre isso?


Eu estava lendo sobre o conceito de "The Dark" em Luke Skywalker e as Sombras do Mindor e eu quero aprender mais sobre isso. Não está em Wookieepedia (surpreendentemente) e não no CUSWE (Enciclopédia completa não oficial de Star Wars). No entanto, alguns artigos são retocados.

Alguém pode explicar o Dark em detalhes para mim ou me direcionar para uma enciclopédia on-line de Star Wars com uma entrada nele?

por Donmax 25.11.2012 / 08:10

1 resposta

Você está procurando no lugar errado em Wookiepedia. Todos os pontos de vista da Força estão listados, sem surpresa, na página "A Força". Se você pesquisar essa página por "Mindor", você chegará a uma referência e localizará essa referência:

link (que, por sua vez, vincula ao artigo principal, Caminho do Escuro

The Way of the Dark, or simply the Dark, was a view of the Force taken up by Cronal and those that taught him. It was effectively the polar opposite of the Potentium, but taken a step further. This Way of the Dark belief did not just deny the existence of the Light side of the Force; it stated that the Force itself was simply a small extension of the Dark. This system stated that destruction was the universal constant that all things worked towards, going so far as to call it the "will of the universe". An initiate was taught that if one made destruction his primary goal, with whatever scheme he was taking part in being a secondary objective, then the Dark would effectively reward the initiate for the devastation caused by pushing the secondary objective to success.

As a prime example of this, Cronal cited that Palpatine was able to achieve success against the Jedi and the Republic because his primary motive was the destruction of both parties. However, once he had achieved these goals and set about consolidating his rule and building the Empire, his focus shifted from destruction to creation, in total opposition to universal processes. Thus when before he could not fail, now he could never succeed

25.11.2012 / 11:43