Posso estender minha estada em Cingapura por mais 90 dias sem viajar para outros países?


Sou sul-coreano e estou aqui em Cingapura há quase 3 meses (90 dias) e minha primeira visita, 90 dias, acabou. Preciso de mais tempo para minha perspectiva de negócios, então posso estender minha estadia por mais 90 dias em Cingapura? Como posso me inscrever? Sua resposta honesta seria imensa. Obrigado. -WL

por W Lee 13.01.2019 / 14:22

1 resposta

Você pode inscrever-se on-line por meio do link Imigração & Autoridade de pontos de verificação

Apply to Extend Stay

Visitors who are in Singapore as a tourist for social purposes or seeking medical treatment, and require a longer period of stay beyond the Visit Pass granted on entry into Singapore, may submit an application for extension of stay (not more than 89 days from date of entry) online using the e-Service.

To submit an application online using the e-Service, you will need to fulfil all of the following conditions:

  • You wish to extend your stay for not more than 89 days from the date of entry into Singapore
  • Your Visit Pass has a remaining validity of at least three days, excluding weekends and public holidays
  • You will not return to Singapore within five days from the departure date of your current trip

Os nacionais de certos países exigem um patrocinador local; A Coréia do Sul não está entre as listadas.

You will need to have the following ready:

  • Your travel document (e.g. passport) with at least 6 months validity. A copy of the travel document’s personal particulars page must be submitted to ICA.
  • Your Disembarkation/Embarkation (D/E) card with a valid Visit Pass granted on entry into Singapore
  • Original supporting documentary evidence to establish relationship will be required if you are a foreigner with family ties where your immediate family members are Singapore citizens or permanent residents
  • A VISA credit card, a MasterCard credit or debit card or a valid Internet Banking account in Singapore with DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB, Standard Chartered Bank and Citibank, for payment (if applicable)
  • Form V75, duly endorsed by a registered doctor in Singapore, stating the details of the illness and the period of stay required if you are seeking extension of stay for medical treatment
13.01.2019 / 16:25
