A questão ainda não chegou a um ponto em que existe uma legislação proposta.
O problema do rastreio de líquidos é sublinhado na mais recente segurança da aviação civil da Comissão. relatório , publicado há cerca de um ano:
At the end of November 2014, the Commission received the results of an additional study assessing a possible second phase for lifting of the liquid restrictions. This study was carried out by the consultant ICF International. It assessed the possibility of permitting passengers to carry bottled water through a series of airport trials and also checked the findings of the previous study, in relation to the operational impact of the first phase. Also, this study concluded that the first phase had no negative operational impact on EU airports, even during the summer peak of operations at the EU airports involved in this study. It however also concluded that there may be a significant impact on throughput and cost for EU airports should the restrictions be further lifted to permit passengers to also carry bottled water. This is mainly due to the expected high number of bottles that would need to be screened and which would require significantly more liquids screening equipment. The outcome of this study led the Commission, in concertation with Member States, stakeholders and its international partners, to postpone the introduction of the second phase of lifting the liquid restrictions.
Dito isto, a questão ainda está sendo trabalhada. Os ensaios são realizados em vários aeroportos para testar o processo. Estes geralmente não são anunciados publicamente, com a exceção de este comunicado de imprensa do Aeroporto de Malta onde os ensaios foram conduzidos nos últimos dois meses:
Through this project Malta International Airport is contributing towards enhancing the passenger experience for travellers within the EU. The key participant airports for this project are Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, Budapest International Airport, Alicante International Airport, Dublin International Airport, and Malta International Airport.
The airport team has already conducted some initial trials, to establish the ideal testing environment. With the technology and equipment now available for LAGs to be screened, MIA’s security team will be determining best practices for this new screening procedure whilst maintaining the requirements of the current EU legislation. The results from the participant airports will be analysed by the European Commission, with a view to implement new guidelines on LAGs.
When this exercise is taking place, passengers who may, in special circumstances, be carrying LAGs of more than 100ml will be subjected to further screening.
A O & I Consulting, empresa que conduz estes ensaios para a Comissão Europeia, realiza atualmente um pesquisa on-line sobre essa questão.