Utopia onde ninguém tem que trabalhar, mas as pessoas querem trabalhar de qualquer maneira


Estou à procura de um conto que se desenrole em uma espécie de futuro utópico, em que ninguém precisa trabalhar porque as máquinas fazem tudo. As pessoas podem basicamente sentar e não fazer nada o dia todo, mas isso é insatisfatório para alguns. Eles acabam conseguindo um emprego onde andam e apertam os parafusos que são soltos na máquina devido às suas vibrações. Eles acham esse trabalho satisfatório e funcionam todos os dias.

No final da história, aprendemos que outra equipe acorda todas as noites e sai soltando os parafusos.

por sirswagalot 29.07.2014 / 23:11

1 resposta

Estou procurando uma história curta

"O Bom Trabalho" por Theodore L. Thomas ; Publicado pela primeira vez em Se , fevereiro de 1959 , que está disponível no Arquivo da Internet .

que ocorre em uma espécie de futuro utópico, onde ninguém tem que trabalhar porque as máquinas fazem tudo. As pessoas podem basicamente sentar e não fazer nada o dia todo, mas isso é insatisfatório para alguns.

"I don't know. Some people work; there must be jobs somewhere. I suppose they get them through the Ministry of Government Employment, and you know what people say about that. Government workers won't even talk about it; everybody says they're ashamed of it. I don't know what's going to happen. Except—I'm through. I'm going to take my stock home with me tonight, and that ends it."

Eles acabam conseguindo um emprego onde andam e apertam os parafusos

"Yes, Mr. Winthrop. We have a job for you, and the full six hours a day, too. You will be on the maintenance crew of your building. Your job is explained here—" he passed over a card—"and it consists of tightening the nuts on the expansion joints in the framework of the building. It is very important to do it right, so read the card carefully." Winthrop nodded eagerly.

que são soltos na máquina devido às suas vibrações.

The chief of the tightening crew was a big, bluff man with a red face. He took Winthrop in tow and showed him how they worked. The crew chief had a vast knowledge of the crawl spaces in the interior of the building. He showed Winthrop the blueprints from which the tightening crew worked, and explained that by coordinating their work with all the other tightening crews they made one complete round of the building every eight years. By then it was time to do it again; the nuts worked loose from the constant expansion and contraction. It was quite a job keeping track of the area that the tightening crew covered; it was a large crew. But each member turned in daily reports, and there was a large clerical staff to keep the records straight. In fact, there were more men keeping records than there were doing the actual tightening work. The chief pointed out that Winthrop was to be one of the elite, one of those whose work justified the existence of the huge staff. The tone of the chief's voice made it clear that there was a kind of quiet pride among the men who did the actual work. The chief issued Winthrop his wrench and showed him where to start.

No final da história, ficamos sabendo que outra equipe acorda todas as noites e sai soltando parafusos.

Winthrop walked in and the two men stood looking at each other. Winthrop was surprised at how well Barlow looked, and he said so.

Barlow laughed. "Yes, the last time we met I was pretty far down in the dumps. But I'm working, Jeremiah. I'm actually working. Important work, too!"

His enthusiasm was infectious and Winthrop found himself laughing. "I'm glad for you, John. And I know how you feel, because I'm working too."

[. . .]

There was an exchange of goodbyes, and Winthrop left.

Barlow went into the other room and came out immediately with his wrench. He waved it playfully at his wife. "Got to go," he said. "The loosening crew won't wait." And he blew a kiss at his wife and went off to work.

29.07.2014 / 23:22