Lucy Griffiths, que interpreta, Emily Woodward explica ...
Because for her, the stakes are quite high. Getting rid of Miles was the difference between being free or not in her life, and not just for the moment. I’m sure that if she hadn’t killed him, she probably could have figured it out in a slightly less illegal way. But she, I think, feels strongly that if she doesn’t do this, she’ll be trapped forever. I guess that’s how depressed she’s feeling.
Além disso Miles é um cara muito assustador. Ele encobriu os assassinatos de Quincannon, ele ainda é manipulador, assustador e desrespeitoso com Emily. Se ele acredita que ele a "ama" ou não, ele realmente queria possuí-la .
Ele deu leite ruim aos filhos dela porque ela o irritou ... o abuso doméstico não estava muito atrás, provavelmente.
Ele também ameaça a fé dela em Jesse quando ele ...
... explained sacrifices had to be made for the better of the community and the reality was that Jesse is a criminal and him being a preacher is a fantasy. Miles then told Emily she had to choose between fantasy or reality.
Ela escolheu Jesse e se libertou ao mesmo tempo.