O que aconteceu entre Riker e Troi?

Ao longo de ST: TNG e antes de Star Trek Nemesis, é mencionado de passagem que Riker e Troi estavam juntos por um tempo, então eles se separaram por algum motivo.

Já mencionou o que aconteceu entre os dois? Foi mencionado no TNG?

por OghmaOsiris 18.02.2012 / 01:12

3 respostas

Se você está perguntando o que aconteceu no passado, está coberto aqui .

Deanna had an intimately close relationship with Will Riker, occassionally referring to him as imzadi, a Betazoid word for "beloved". Before they served together on the Enterprise-D, Troi taught Riker how to read her thoughts when she telepathically projected them. They learned each other's abilities but couldn't say "goodbye" when they parted.

A maioria das informações sobre o relacionamento vem do Episódio Segunda Chance , onde a Enterprise retorna ao planeta onde Riker estava salvando uma tripulação de uma estação científica 8 anos antes de sua separação com Troi, e lá eles encontraram um duplicado Riker (criado devido a um acidente de transporte) que passou os últimos 8 anos no planeta.

The last time they saw each other, according to this Riker's memory, was on Betazed - the day before he started his tour on the Potemkin. Riker recalls that they were going to meet on Risa six weeks later. Troi interrupts him and tells him that they never did meet up in Risa. She tells him that he earned a promotion very quickly and chose to make his career a priority. There wasn't much time for anything else. They kept in touch, says Troi, but they didn't see each other again until they were both posted on the Enterprise two years later.

Durante a TNG, eles flertaram, mas mantiveram a relação profissional na maior parte (principalmente, na ideia de Riker). Houve vários episódios quando ela flertou com ele ou tentou ficar sozinha (veja o link da Memória Alfa acima).

After Troi was assigned to the Enterprise-D in 2364, she was reunited with Riker. Although they informed Captain Picard that they already knew each other, neither Riker nor Troi initially revealed the intimate nature of their former relationship. Troi seemed fairly eager to be alone with Riker and, while at Deneb IV's mysterious Farpoint station, she suggested that they explore the passages below the station together, an idea that Riker refused. Before he later endangered his own life to investigate why a spaceborne entity believed to be a ship was attacking Deneb IV, Troi expressed, in an outburst of emotion, her extreme fear that Riker could be hurt. She soon managed to resume her former sense of calm, however, and returned to the Enterprise as Riker had ordered. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

Eles re-acenderam seu romance no filme ST: Insurrection sob a influência do rejuvenescimento da radiação metafásica.

In 2379, Deanna married Will Riker. The first ceremony was a traditional Earth wedding, where Captain Picard served as Will's best man. After that ceremony, a traditional Betazoid wedding ceremony was to take place on Betazed. However the Enterprise-E's journey to Betazed was interrupted by the discovery of B-4. (Star Trek Nemesis)

A linha do tempo fornecida na Memória Alfa (embora não atribuída a episódios) foi:

  • 2359: Encontra e começa a se relacionar com o oficial da Frota Estelar William T. Riker
  • 2361: Romper relações românticas com William Riker
18.02.2012 / 02:24

Tomando meu próprio conselho, da página da Memória Alfa sobre Thomas Riker - Simplesmente, Will Riker priorizou sua carreira sobre sua vida pessoal:

During the time he spent on the planet, Thomas had remained deeply in love with Deanna Troi, his girlfriend at the time. Thomas had planned to meet Deanna on Risa the year of the transporter mishap, a fact upon which he had dwelt while stranded. In contrast, the Riker that beamed off-planet eight years prior was soon promoted and made his career a priority over their relationship, and never made the trip to Risa with Deanna.

18.02.2012 / 03:06

Se alguém quiser explorar toda a história entre Riker e Troi, isso é explicado em profundidade no Star Trek livro Imzadi por Peter David. Ele explica tudo o que você gostaria de saber sobre eles antes de servirem na Enterprise. O livro de áudio narrado por Jonathan Frakes é muito bom e vale a pena ouvir mesmo que você não esteja procurando por respostas.

14.10.2017 / 06:16