Informações sobre uma história antiga de um garoto em uma roupa de cachorro, autor desconhecido, mas não Dahl ou Rei


Nenhuma ideia sobre autor, mas história de provavelmente antes de 1960 e mais provavelmente sobre um menino que fica preso em uma fantasia de cachorro muito realista e acaba sendo adotado por um "dono" abusivo - a última cena é o cara chutando o garoto nas costelas. Por alguma razão, fantasia ou "roupa de cachorro" impedem a fala humana, eu acho. Não tenho certeza se isso é endereçado.

por Jeff 16.04.2017 / 13:30

1 resposta

"The Wonderful Dog Suit" , um conto de Donald Hall ; publicado originalmente em The Carleton Miscellany , 1964; reimpresso em 10ª Edição Anual: O Melhor SF do Ano editado por < href=""> Judith Merril .

The kid took him upstairs and into a kitchen. "Hey, Ma," he said. "I brought home a mutt."

"You get that frigging mutt out of here before I cut you open," said the kid's mother absentmindedly. Lester slunk off into another room with his tail between his legs. In the other room there was a man drinking out of a bottle who kicked Lester in the side.

Lester went out into the hall. He decided he didn't like it here and that he ought to get out of his dog suit.

But the zipper was stuck!

He tried and tried, but he couldn't make it budge. What could he do? Maybe if he went home his Uncle Fred could take him back to the factory. Anyway his mother could always call the fire department. But he didn't know how to get home. He would have to ask the kid and his mother for directions.

He padded back to the kitchen. He laughed to himself as he thought how surprised they would be to hear him talk! As he came into the room he heard the mother say, "Okay, okay, okay. But he's got to eat garbage and nothing but garbage."

He said, "I realize this will come as a shock to you, but I am not a dog at all. I am a boy named Lester and I live at 233 Hummingbird Crescent and I am entering the fifth grade next autumn. Uncle Fred gave me this dog suit but the zipper is unfortunately stuck. May I inquire directions to my house? I want to see my mother and father again. X²-√(4Y) (3Y/X)=7."

The mother clapped her hands together and said, "Listen, he's trying to talk."

16.04.2017 / 16:49