Por que Michael Fassbender tem cabelo loiro em Steve Jobs?


Este não é James Bond. Steve Jobs era uma pessoa real. E Steve Jobs nunca teve cabelos loiros. Heck, Michael Fassbender nem tem cabelo loiro natural. Seu cabelo é castanho escuro. Por que os cineastas se esforçariam para fazê-lo parecer nada com Steve Jobs quando o filme se chama Steve Jobs?

por Joey Baseball 02.09.2016 / 11:14

1 resposta

Os fabricantes não se importavam com ele parecendo o verdadeiro Steve Jobs:

According to the film’s director, Danny Boyle ("Trainspotting"), the decision to not have Fassbender look like Jobs was made very early on.

"We were very clear right from the get-go that this wasn't about a physical impersonation at all," Boyle told Business Insider. "It was about inhabiting, it's almost Shakespearean. He's historically accurate to a degree, but then he is our version of him, and there will be other versions."

Sorkin, who also spoke with Business Insider before the film premiered at the New York Film Festival over the weekend, said he instantly agreed with Boyle's instinct.

Sorkin said the way Fassbender looked in the new film "just isn't important."

De acordo com Entertainment Weekly :

What did happen, however, was that the production team kept wigs and makeup on hand throughout the process of making Steve Jobs. If Fassbender and Boyle changed their minds and wanted to move closer to Jobs’ look, beyond the brown contacts the actor wore, they had the option.

De acordo com alguns, a cor natural do cabelo de Fassbender é loira :

The first full-length trailer for the Danny Boyle-directed Steve Jobs biopic is here and it's gripping. Michael Fassbender nails his performance as the charismatic Jobs, despite not looking like him. It appears he didn't even dye his blond hair for the role.

No entanto, outras fontes descrevem-no como castanho claro ou vermelho.

02.09.2016 / 11:39
