Robert Jordan explica que nenhuma das mulheres são ta'veren :
Egwene não é ta'veren como explicado por Brandon Sanderson em / a>ROBERT JORDAN - For ben, of course women can be ta'veren. None of the major female characters in the books is ta'veren, though. The Wheel doesn't cast ta'veren around indiscriminately. There has to be a specific reason or need. (I tossed in the "major" just to leave you something to argue about.)
BRANDON SANDERSON - I've often gotten questions from people asking if Egwene was ta'veren. Obviously not, as Siuan would have seen the glow of it.
Ele continua mencionando sua própria suposição de por que nenhuma das garotas é ta'veren :
BRANDON SANDERSON - People seem to wonder why all three boys, and not a single one of the girls, are ta'veren. I've assumed this was to confuse the Shadow.