À medida que sua jornada se origina na Índia, você gostaria de consultar sua orientação, conforme indicado por AirIndia para menores viajando com outros passageiros que não seus pais naturais :
The following should be borne in mind when a child / infant is accompanied by other adults and not traveling with their parents.
Minors under the age of 18 may require additional documentation if leaving the country of residence. Kindly contact the nearest Consulate for any further details on the points given below :
- Consent (no objection) letter/affidavit signed by both parents (draft attached)
- Photocopies of relevant pages of both parents passports
- The original passport should be shown to the check-in Supervisor, to verify the signature authenticity
- In cases where one of the parents is deceased, photocopy of the death certificate should be given
- Signatures of the parents on consent letter should match the signature on the passport
- In the rare case where the family name of the child does not match the parents', birth certificate of the child should be made available
- Minors under the age of 18 may require additional documentation if leaving the country of residence
Essa documentação completa deve ser suficiente para o trânsito e a entrada, embora você queira incluir uma declaração mostrando seu relacionamento com a criança, se não tiver um documento de tutela e os detalhes de onde e a quem você está levando a criança .