Tenho que declarar uma emergência se eu cortar as reservas de combustível?


Em outra pergunta , eu escrevi

You only need to plan for regulatory reserves. You don't actually have to land with them

e @Jan responderam:

you have to declare emergency if you do cut into them though and that will quite probably get you an investigation

Eu nunca ouvi dizer que você deve declarar uma emergência se você cortar suas reservas (independentemente do estágio de vôo), e eu estou querendo saber se existe algum regulamento para fazer o backup.

O único registro que eu consegui encontrar que chegou perto é NTSB 830 , que lista um conjunto de critérios para notificar o NTSB em 10 dias:

(a) An aircraft accident or any of the following listed serious incidents occur:

(1) Flight control system malfunction or failure;

(2) Inability of any required flight crew member to perform normal flight duties as a result of injury or illness;

(3) Failure of any internal turbine engine component that results in the escape of debris other than out the exhaust path;

(4) In-flight fire;

(5) Aircraft collision in flight;

(6) Damage to property, other than the aircraft, estimated to exceed $25,000 for repair (including materials and labor) or fair market value in the event of total loss, whichever is less.

(7) For large multiengine aircraft (more than 12,500 pounds maximum certificated takeoff weight): (a bunch of other things)

Estou interessado na resposta para as Partes 91, 135 e 121, sob os regulamentos da FAA.

por rbp 01.02.2016 / 13:25

2 respostas

Parece não haver regulamentações que requeiram emergência de emergência em caso de uso de combustível de reserva. O DoT dos EUA InFO 8004 discute especificamente isso:

Emergency Fuel. Although not defined in the AIM or Federal aviation regulations, the industry-wide connotation typically associated with the term “Fuel Emergency” is:

The point at which, in the judgment of the pilot-in-command, it is necessary to proceed directly to the airport of in tended landing due to low fuel. Declaration of a fuel emergency is an explicit statement that priority handling by ATC is both required and expected.

Notando que o piloto declarando combustível mínimo não é uma emergência,

The act of using a portion of the reserve fuel assigned to a flight is not, in its self a cause to declare a minimum fuel state with the controlling agency. Regulations require reserve fuel to enable aircraft to maneuver, due to unforeseen circumstances. Many aircraft safely arrive at their destination having used a portion of the fuel designated as reserve. There is no regulatory definition as to when, specifically, a pilot must declare “minimum fuel” or a fuel emergency. Air carriers typically develop such guidance for their pilots and include it in their General Operations Manuals; such guidance generally falls along the following lines:

•Declare “minimum fuel” when, in your best judgment, any additional delay will cause you to burn into your reserve fuel.

•Declare a fuel emergency at the point at which, in your judgment, it is necessary for you to proceed directly to the airport at which you intend to land. Declaration of a fuel emergency is an explicit statement that priority handling by ATC is necessary and expected.

(ênfase minha)

01.02.2016 / 18:36

Não, você não, mas de acordo com o AIM, você deve declarar uma emergência se precisar de prioridade para o pouso.

Pode haver alguma confusão entre declarar "combustível mínimo" ao ATC e declarar uma emergência. O OBJETIVO 5-5-15 diz:

  1. Advise ATC of your minimum fuel status when your fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching destination, you cannot accept any undue delay.
  2. Be aware this is not an emergency situation, but merely an advisory that indicates an emergency situation is possible should any undue delay occur.


  1. If the remaining usable fuel supply suggests the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing, you should declare an emergency due to low fuel and report fuel remaining in minutes.

Mas, em geral, não há regulamentação ou regra que possa ser encontrada quando um piloto deve declarar uma emergência. A orientação geral do AIM 6-1-2 é que os pilotos devem declarar uma emergência quando existir um estado de angústia. As ordens ATC 10-1-1 são um pouco mais específicas:

A pilot who encounters a Distress condition should declare an emergency by beginning the initial communication with the word “Mayday,” preferably repeated three times. For an Urgency condition, the word “Pan-Pan” should be used in the same manner.

Quanto ao que aflição significa, o Glossário do Piloto / Controlador simplesmente diz:

DISTRESS− A condition of being threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring immediate assistance.

É improvável que o corte em reservas de combustível por si só constituiria um "perigo sério ou iminente" (é por isso que "combustível mínimo" não é uma emergência) mas por outro lado se o piloto também não tem certeza de sua posição ou tem outras questões para lidar, então ainda pode ser a melhor coisa a fazer.

01.02.2016 / 18:35