Explicação no universo: No final do episódio S04E11 - Rainha Takes Knight , Poison Ivy consome todas as poções " místicas " desde que ela terminou de jogar "legal". A ingestão de poções resultante muda seu rosto e dá a ela mais poderes ...
Explicação fora do universo:
Com base nos comentários do produtor de co-executivos a> na reformulação de Maggie Geha:
"The change was all based on the idea that she's continuing to evolve to become more of the Ivy from the comic books and what we really enjoyed," Wynbrandt explained. "What's been really cool about her character, and Maggie [Geha] was so great, was you had Clare [Foley] for the first iteration be the child who is trying to find her way in the world. Then when she evolves into the second iteration of Ivy played by Maggie. She is amazing and embodied sort of a fun kind of comic and zany quality to her who then starts to see that she wasn't being respected so she wanted to do something about that.
"In this third evolution you're going to see a really self possessed, really scary and driven version of the Ivy character, who is intent on kind of making the world in the image she sees it should be, which is the green world. The world where the plants rule and people are an after thought."
Então, com base nisso, eles queriam retratar a transformação de um Ivy alegre em uma versão desequilibrada e, assim, foi com a reformulação ...