Qual é a luz dentro do planeta de Ego?


Em Guardiões da Galáxia, vol. 2,

Ego diz isso.

much of his power comes from the light within his planet.

Ego também explica que

Ego created the planet out of cosmic stuff as a part of what was becoming his expanding self.

Ego também explica isso.

Ego has planted seeds all across the Galaxy that will enable his creation to envelope the entire Galaxy. The seed that we see on Earth lools like light.

Mas o ego precisa

another Celestial in order to control the light enough to make the seeds grow to envelope the Galaxy.

Na verdade, o Ego fez um grande esforço para

Create someone with the Celestial genes required for the task.

Então, qual é a luz dentro do planeta de Ego? E o que acontece com os genes celestes que permitem que alguém que tenha os genes celestes manipule a luz?

por CodeMed 22.05.2017 / 01:11

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