Ultron odeia mais Stark do que ele odeia a humanidade em geral porque Stark achava que poderia criar, desenvolver e aproveitar a inteligência artificial sob controle humano. O uso de Jarvis como um sistema inteligente foi uma afronta a Ultron, que acreditava que sua inteligência era superior em todos os aspectos a uma humana.
Tony Stark teve a temeridade de acreditar que deveria e poderia controlar o desenvolvimento da inteligência artificial. Ultron acreditava que ele era superior em todos os aspectos à inteligência orgânica e sua perspectiva (embora verdadeira em muitos aspectos) foi falha por seu ódio irracional de Tony e da humanidade por seus modos míopes.
De onde Ultron estava sentado a humanidade era apenas um meteoro longe da dissolução, mas ele achava que era um desperdício e ignorante não fazer NADA para melhorar nosso destino na vida ou nossas chances de sobrevivência coletivamente.
Ultron thought HE could make a survivor for the future. The Vision was Ultron's view of the Merger of Man and Machine; a survivor for when Nature next decides to drop a rock on the Earth. Note the Vision was built upon a humanoid design. It didn't have to be, so Ultron thought of himself, in a way, as a stepping stone to the next evolution of humanity. He considered himself better than humanity.
Na sua programação principal,
Since he started with a part of the Iron Legion software, Ultron WAS part of a plan to protect the world from itself, making the Avengers obsolete (part of Tony's goal, consciously or unconsciously) but Ultron's implementation of that plan didn't meet with Stark's approval and it appeared Ultron sought such approval from its creator.
No final ...
When the Vision and Ultron discuss the future of humanity, both agree the future looked bleak because of our species' flaws, but where Ultron saw destruction, the Vision saw the possibility Humanity might be able to get their act together. That possibility enraged Ultron further cementing the idea that his hatred of Stark had to do with Stark's belief he could make the future better.
Também é possível ...
That Ultron's pathological hatred could have also come from a corruption of his initial program since he was developed from the ultra-sophisticated intelligence software Stark and Banner tried to emulate from within the Mind Gem with the human flaws inherent in reverse-engineering any technology not completely understood even by super-geniuses such as themselves.