YA / livro infantil que eu li em meados dos anos 90, sobre videogames e crocodilos?


Eu só tenho algumas memórias aleatórias do que este livro é. Eu li isso quando eu estava no final do ensino médio, então em meados dos anos 90 (1994-1998 eu estou supondo). Não me lembro exatamente do que se trata a história, mas lembro-me:

  • o personagem principal era um menino jovem / adolescente

  • o pai dele possivelmente era algum tipo de designer de videogame?

  • Acredito que tenha ocorrido na Austrália, eu me lembro de uma cena em que eles acabaram e viram os campos de cana queimando

  • também houve uma cena em que o vilão capturou o garoto, e o fez jogar uma versão "ao vivo" de um videogame, que envolvia crocodilos / jacarés (mas ele não foi sugado para o jogo, mais como ... o vilão fez uma versão da vida real de um jogo).

  • a capa de brochura é bastante chamativa, com algumas cores neon.

por for_esme 13.09.2018 / 17:54

1 resposta

Eagle Strike por Anthony Horowitz

Embora isso tenha sido publicado em 2003, parece corresponder à maior parte do que você descreve. É o quarto livro da série Alex Rider e, sem surpresa, o personagem principal tem 14 anos de idade, Alex Rider.

Sir Damian Cray is a philanthropist, peace activist, and the world's most famous pop star. But still it's not enough. He needs more if he is to save the world. Trouble is, only Alex Rider recognizes that it's the world that needs saving from Sir Damian Cray. Underneath the luster of glamour and fame lies a twisted mind, ready to sacrifice the world for his beliefs. But in the past, Alex has always had the backing of the government. This time, he's on his own. Can one teenager convince the world that the most popular man on earth is a madman bent on destruction-before time runs out?

Seu pai foi morto antes do primeiro livro, mas o antagonista é Sir Damian Cray, que está vendendo um novo videogame: Feathered Serpent. Alex inicialmente joga o jogo em sua apresentação na frente de uma multidão ao vivo e é posteriormente capturado por Cray e forçado a jogar através de uma versão real dele.

Failing to convince MI6, Alex starts his own investigations on Cray and attends Cray's launch of a new game Feathered Serpent, in which he participates in a demonstration. His suspicions about Cray grow as the next day Alex hears about the death of a journalist who was questioning Cray over the violence of the game. He then locates a journalist named Marc Antonio, a friend of Edward Pleasure, in Paris, who was investigating Cray. Marc reveals what he has been investigating Cray and a deal he made with a man called Charlie Ropper, an American NSA agent. Marc is killed by Cray's men, while Alex manages to escape. Alex sneaks into Cray Software Technologies in Amsterdam, where he hears Ropper and Cray talking about a flash drive, before they start arguing about the deal. Ropper is then trapped in a room, and two million dollars worth of nickels (owed to him by Cray as part of their deal) is poured on top of him, both paying and killing him. Cray catches Alex as he tries to sneak away and puts him in a real-life version of Feathered Serpent. Alex manages to escape and steals Cray's flash drive. A pursuit breaks out between Alex and Cray's men across the streets of Amsterdam, which Alex narrowly survives. In response to Alex stealing the flash drive, Cray captures Sabina and holds her for ransom. Alex attempts to force Cray to release Sabina, but Cray outmaneuvers him and forces Alex to hand over the flash drive. Cray then explains his reasons for attempting to have Sabina's father killed and having Antonio killed.

Wikipedia, Eagle Strike

Embora eu não consiga lembrar de crocodilos / jacarés, um dos Deuses na zona de Espelho do jogo é parte jacaré.

He had summoned three of them to patrol the mirror maze, the fifth and last zone in the huge arena he had built beneath the compound. Tlaloc, the god of rain, was half human, half alligator, with jagged teeth, claw-like hands and a thick scaly tail that dragged behind him. Xipe Totec, the lord of spring, had torn out his own eyes. They were still dangling in front of his gruesome, pain-distorted face. And Xolotl, bringer of fire, walked on feet that had been smashed and wrenched round to face backwards. Flames leapt out of his hands, reflected a hundred times in the mirrors and adding to the twisting clouds of smoke.

Eagle Strike, The Truth About Alex

A capa é realmente muito chamativa:

13.09.2018 / 18:16