“. . .PALMER ELDRITCH ”- Por que Leo pergunta a Blau por que ele está chamando-o de Leo?


No final de Os Três Estigmas de Palmer Eldritch , Leo aborda Blau com a seguinte pergunta:

"Leo'? How come you keep calling me 'Leo'?"

Qual é o significado de Blau chamando Leo "Leo"? Leo espera ser tratado como alguém (ou algo) maior que um simples homem?

A passagem no contexto:

"Look at my double-dome, my big forehead; I'm a bubblehead, right? And this rind; it's not just on top, it's all over. So in my case the therapy really took. So don't give up yet. Believe in me."

"Okay, Leo."

"Stick around for a while. There'll be action. I may be looking out at you through a couple of Jensen luxvid artificial-type eyes but it's still me inside here. Okay?"

"Okay," Felix Blau said. "Anything you say, Leo."

Leo'? How come you keep calling me 'Leo'?"

Sitting rigidly upright in his chair, supporting himself with both hands, Felix Blau regarded him imploringly. "Think, Leo. For chrissakes think."

"Oh yeah." Sobered, he nodded; he felt chastened. "Sorry. It was just a temporary slip. I know what you're referring to; I know what you're afraid of. But it didn't mean anything." He added, "I'll keep thinking, like you say. I won't forget again." He nodded solemnly, promising.

por WHY 03.04.2015 / 23:58

1 resposta

Leo e Felix estão ambos preocupados que eles ainda possam encontrar Palmer Eldritch olhando por seus olhos. Leo começa por tranquilizar Felix, que não importa a que mudanças ele vá, ele ainda será ele mesmo, então ele parece quase imediatamente perder a identidade.

Mas eles só podem se tranquilizar até agora, e assim o romance termina com uma nota de ambigüidade.

19.11.2017 / 23:52