Can Divine Soul Sorcerer transfer spells to a Warlock's Book of Ancient Secrets? [closed]


My party has two spellcasters - Tabaxi Divine Soul Sorcerer (me) with proficiency in Arcana (so he can create scrolls) and Tiefling Pact of the Tome Warlock with the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation; this allows him to write down any ritual spells he comes across and cast them as rituals.

Can my Sorcerer write down ritual spells, known to him, into a scroll for the Warlock to transcribe into the Book of Ancient Secrets?

Is there a difference between spells from Sorcerer and Cleric spell list?

Additionally, my Sorcerer has the Magic Initiate feat with which he gains Find Familiar (from Wizard spell list) spell - can he write down that too?

The core question is: are there ways to transfer spells from Sorcerer to Warlock, in this case? Can the scroll creation be skipped entirely? Maybe both characters can work together, in some way?

por Kereng 30.01.2019 / 10:46

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