Por que existem navios de carga no universo Star Trek quando eles têm replicadores?


Why are there cargo ships in the Star Trek stories?

With replicator technology and FTL communication, there is no need for cargo ships. You can just transmit the computer files on how to replicate just about any device.

Want your own Triumph motorcycle in your new colony at Procyon-B? Just have somebody back on Earth scan the device, send the files to you by subspace email, and then use your replicator to create an exact copy of the motorcycle.

Want a copy of the Mona Lisa? No problem! Just scan that too. Now you can mount a copy on your bedroom wall. It's picture perfect down to the molecules of paint.

Sending computer files by email sounds so much cheaper and safer than shipping items by freight. The market will go for the cheaper option.

por LincolnMan 11.02.2019 / 08:25

3 respostas

De acordo com a esta resposta anterior, which quotes the Manual Técnico TNG, replicators need raw materials.

Por exemplo, a

raw stock for food replicators is stored in the form of a sterilized organic particulate suspension that has been formulated to statistically require the least quantum manipulation to replicate most finished foodstuffs.

Hence, there is a need to transport raw materials as well as materials that the replicator can't replicate. Also, it may make sense to transport and store some common, much-used materials like water, fuel and metals rather than using energy to replicate them.

11.02.2019 / 09:52

Replicators have certain limitations. They can't create:

  • Antimatéria

  • Dilithium

  • Latinum

  • Living organism

As for the living organisms, Star Trek: Manual Técnico da Próxima Geração afirma que:

Though the replicators use a form of transporter technology, it's at such a low resolution that creating living tissue is a physical impossibility.

As for the organic food replicator creates, organic raw materials are needed to be fed into replicator.

11.02.2019 / 08:45

Replicators are common on federation ships, but don't seem as available to other cultures, or independent / underground communities. This is government/military grade, top of the line technology you're talking about. There may be agreements to share some technology with allies, but it's not 'open source', so to speak.

11.02.2019 / 21:26