Um piloto 737 usaria abas no nariz?


Como as abas ajudam a elevar o avião, elas as acionariam se o avião estivesse mergulhando em queda livre? E o que eles fariam se a contrapressão fosse demais? Sei que a velocidade aumenta a sustentação, mas a aceleração máxima pode dificultar o nivelamento do avião?

por Bombeiro1 24.09.2019 / 06:51

2 respostas

Não, os retalhos nunca são usados ​​durante um mergulho no nariz.

Precisamos distinguir entre dois cenários:

  • Mergulho intencional no nariz: isso é realmente chamado de descida rápida manobra. O FCTM (Manual de Treinamento da Tripulação de Voo) tem uma seção inteira dedicada a ele. O procedimento geral é assim: Descida rápida 737

    Do Boeing 737 NG FCTM (manobras 7.5 - Descida rápida - alteração de nível (LVL CHG)):

    Because of airspeed and altitude protection and reduced crew workload, use of the autopilot with LVL CHG mode is the recommended technique for rapid descents. Use of the V/S mode is not recommended.

    Initiate a turn, if required, using HDG SEL. Set a lower altitude in the altitude window. Select LVL CHG, close the thrust levers and smoothly extend the speedbrakes. Autothrottles should be left engaged. The airplane pitches down smoothly while the thrust levers retard to idle. Adjust the speed as needed and ensure the altitude window is correctly set for the level off. During descent, the IAS/MACH speed window changes from MACH to IAS at approximately 300 KIAS. Manually reset to VMO as needed.

    When approaching the target altitude, ensure the altitude is set in the MCP altitude select window. Altitude capture engages automatically. Adjusting the command speed to approximately LRC or 300 knots before level-off aids in smoothly transitioning to level flight. The pitch mode then controls altitude and the thrust levers increase to hold speed. Smoothly return the speedbrake lever to the down detent during the level off maneuver.

    When descending with the autopilot engaged and the speedbrakes extended at speeds near VMO/MMO, the airspeed may momentarily increase to above VMO/MMO if the speedbrakes are retracted quickly. To avoid this condition, smoothly and slowly retract the speedbrakes to allow the autopilot sufficient time to adjust the pitch attitude to maintain the airspeed within limits.

    When the speedbrakes are retracted during altitude capture near VMO/MMO, a momentary overspeed condition may also occur. This is because the autopilot captures the selected altitude smoothly by maintaining a fixed path while the thrust is at or near idle. To avoid this condition, it may be necessary to reduce the selected speed and/or descent rate before altitude capture or reduce the selected speed and delay speedbrake retraction until after level off is complete.

    Caso seja necessária uma taxa de descida mais alta ou velocidade do ar de descida mais baixa, o trem de pouso pode ser estendido adicionalmente ao freio de velocidade, mas as abas nunca são mencionadas:

    Landing Gear Extended Descent

    The rapid descent is normally made with the landing gear up. However, when structural integrity is in doubt and airspeed must be limited, extension of the landing gear may provide a more satisfactory rate of descent.

    If the landing gear is to be used during the descent, comply with the landing gear placard speeds.

  • Mergulho acidental no nariz: isso seria abrangido pelo termo geral de chateado. O procedimento recomendado é descrito no FCTM (Manobras de 7.26 - Recuperação Upset):

    Nose Low, Wings Level

    In a situation where the airplane pitch attitude is unintentionally more than 10° nose low and going lower, the airspeed is increasing rapidly. A pilot would likely reduce thrust and extend the speedbrakes. Thrust reduction causes an additional nose-down pitching moment. Speedbrake extension causes a nose-up pitching moment, an increase in drag, and a decrease in lift for the same angle of attack. At airspeeds well above VMO/MMO, the ability to command a nose-up pitch rate with elevator may be reduced because of the extreme aerodynamic loads on the elevator.

    Again, it is necessary to maneuver the airplane's flight path back toward the horizon. At moderate pitch attitudes, applying nose-up elevator, reducing thrust, and extending speedbrakes, if necessary, changes the pitch attitude to a desired range. At extremely low pitch attitudes and high airspeeds (well above VMO/MMO), nose-up elevator and nose-up trim may be required to establish a nose-up pitch rate.

    Também aqui, os flaps não são mencionados; portanto, somente os freios de velocidade devem ser usados ​​para aumentar o arrasto (e aumentar o momento de arremesso do nariz).

24.09.2019 / 08:39

Olhando para o Limitações de desempenho do Boeing 737 (página 3), vemos que as velocidades limite de flap são

+ ================ + ============== + | Posição da aba | Velocidade limite | | | (KIAS) + ================ + ============== + | 1 250 + ---------------- + -------------- + | 2 250 + ---------------- + -------------- + | 5 250 + ---------------- + -------------- + | 10 210 + ---------------- + -------------- + | 15 195 + ---------------- + -------------- + | 25 170 + ---------------- + -------------- + | 30 165 + ---------------- + -------------- + | 40 156 + ---------------- + -------------- +

Esse comportamento é o mesmo em basicamente todas as aeronaves, até onde eu sei. Com as abas abaixadas, as asas precisam de cargas mais baixas do que quando "limpas". Portanto, implantar abas quando em um mergulho pode ser catastrófico.

Para um exemplo do que acontece ao implantar abas / ripas em alta velocidade, consulte o acidente de Austral 2553.

25.09.2019 / 06:05