No episódio "Fusão", when Tolaris does the mind meld with T'pol, she resists, then submits. But, the emotions seem overwhelming.
Memory-alpha says
Another side-effect was the transfer of emotion. When Spock melded with James T. Kirk of the alternate reality, both seemed emotionally affected by the experience and Spock apologized, explaining that emotional transference was a side-effect of the melding process. (Star Trek) Indeed, melding created a strange sense of euphoria in the participants. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind")
So, was she affected by the emotions of Tolaris, who seemed pretty agitated/excited? Or was it her own emotions that overwhelmed her?
Em outra Jornada nas Estrelas series' mind meld is shown as something Vulcan's seem to know a great deal about. While, T'pol seems ignorant of it. Is there a back history of how mind-meld became common?
I am watching the series for the first time. Will look into links, not minding spoilers.