Would this Point Buy method be unbalanced? [closed]


I’m wanting to create a very unique character based around stat creation. The resulting character would be physically and mentally inept at all stats except one. Which stat is not the question but rather the method. Would this Point Buy method be unbalanced?

9=1, 10=2, 11=3, 12=4, 13=5, 14=7, 15=9, 16=11, 17=14, 18=17, 19=21, 20=25, 21=27 and -1 from another score.

Example stats before racial modifiers;

STR=8, DEX=21, CON=8, INT=7, WIS=8. CHA=8.

Max possible stat after racial modifiers is 23 and cannot be increased by ASI’s and without magic items.

The high stat would be able to be increased with the racial modifiers but it would max at an odd number. I am showing the Point Buy numbers to show how I came to the number selection and not just pulled it out of nowhere.

por Eternallord66 27.08.2019 / 01:47

1 resposta

Yes, it's unbalanced.

Allowing ability scores above 20, regardless of racial modifiers, is outside the scope of the average adventurer–only attainable through very specific magic items or high level class features. This point buy system would allow stats at that high tier at level 1, which is completely unbalanced.

It also seems like you're a player in this instance, not the DM. In that case, it's not even really your decision as to what point-buy, stat-rolling, or other systems for determining your stats are available to you, but your DM. Make sure to ask what is allowed in the game that they are running for you.

27.08.2019 / 03:23