How do I avoid rice cookers emitting strange goo on my counter?


With my rice cooker, I always have to put a paper towel underneath it before I start it, because it tends to make a mess. It creates piles of white watery starch goo. I don't really know how else to describe it other than the title. It's not really overflowing, since it occurs even when the rice cooker only has a small amount of rice in it - it looks like it's condensing from the air or something.

I usually just measure in rice and water, then turn it on and leave. Is this a common problem? Am I doing something wrong in the cooking process? Perhaps I have a bad rice cooker or cheap rice? What are some good rice cookers and/or cooking methods?

por Aaron Franke 06.06.2019 / 23:03

2 respostas

Some rice cookers have a vent on the side, and there's a little cup with it that clips in there to catch the starchy moisture that might escape during cooking.

If your rice cooker came with a small plastic cup (I say 'cup' as it's a container, but it's usually pretty flat so it doesn't stick out very far) that you couldn't figure out what it was for, this is likely your problem. It usually attaches near the hinge.

Not all rice cookers have them, though. My 10 cup does, but the little 2 cup that I got at a thrift store doesn't. (it vents from the top, and the lid lifts off completely)

07.06.2019 / 02:16

Bad rice cooker, I doubt the problem could possibly be the rice. Thrift stores are full of them, just get another. Although maybe you could be contributing to the problem by filling your rice cooker to the brim?

06.06.2019 / 23:06