Por que a Warner Bros gastou US $ 25 milhões com CGI no bigode de Henry Cavill?

Depois de rolar no Twitter, muita gente twittou sobre como a Warner Bros. gastou US $ 25 milhões em CGI para remover o bigode de Henry Cavill na Liga da Justiça.

Por exemplo:

De qualquer forma, de volta ao ponto por que a Warner Bros gastou 25 milhões para remover o bigode de Henry Cavill ao invés de pedir a ele para fazer a barba, melhor ainda mantê-lo!

Quero dizer que a Liga da Justiça teria sido infinitamente melhor se o Super-Homem tivesse um tache!

A propósito, só para ficar claro, a questão é "por que eles não pedem a ele para se barbear, em vez de gastar tanto dinheiro em computação gráfica?" e não "por que o super-homem não tinha bigode?"

por Metro Boomin 22.11.2017 / 18:56

3 respostas

Eles atiram na Liga da Justiça sem o bigode de Henry Cavil, e depois do tiroteio ele assinou com o MI6, que exigiu seu bigode para que ele tivesse um bigode.

E foi aí que a tragédia aconteceu. Zack Snyder, diretor da Liga da Justiça, renunciou devido a uma tragédia familiar. Em resposta, Joss Whedon deu um passo à frente para dirigir o filme e também pediu algumas refilmagens (na verdade, US $ 25 milhões em refilmagens).

Infelizmente, a Paramount não permitiria que Cavill raspasse o bigode que ele cultivou para a Missão Impossível.

Então WB teve que removê-lo em CGI. Consulte zimbio

22.11.2017 / 19:16

Por causa de seu compromisso com a Missão: Impossível 6, ele não teve permissão para fazê-lo, a partir de screenrant.com

Mission: Impossible 6 director Christopher McQuarrie reveals why Henry Cavill can’t shave his mustache for the current Justice League reshoots. In a film that marks the return of several beloved franchise cast members – including Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Michelle Monaghan, and more – Cavill is one of the most exciting new additions to the Mission: Impossible franchise. And while plot details for the film are being kept under tight wraps for the time being – rendering Cavill’s character in the film a complete mystery – McQuarrie and Cavill haven’t been afraid about teasing his time on set for the film over the past few months.

McQuarrie’s tweeted (now deleted) :

In exactly one year you’ll understand: The only way to keep a fake ‘stache on Henry Cavill would be a liberal dose of staples. #MI6 07.27.18

E ter um super-homem com bigode seria muito arriscado, especialmente quando metade das cenas não tem bigode, que não são refazidas. E algumas reshoots são usadas no início do filme também.

E é isso que Henry Cavill disse em seu instgram :

enter image description here

Dear followers,
it is time to finally set the record straight in this moustache fiasco. Pictured above, is not a set on MI6 but is in fact the latest in a series of weapons being designed by Warner Bros and Paramount Studios to combat the entity known as "Henry Cavill's Moustache". There has been no discussion over whether to shave or not to shave for the JL reshoots, simply a relentless campaign to put an end to the seemingly inexorable conquest of this despotic 'stache. It is not a question of IF I should shave - it is a question of how can we possibly be victorious against such a beast without bringing our own doom raining down upon us.

Recentemente escritor / diretor de Missão: Impossível - Fallout , Christopher McQuarrie falou sobre isso:

"When the question came, the reshoots for Justice League came out, [Charles] Roven called me, and he said, 'We need your help and we need to shave Henry's mustache. We need him to come back and we need to do these reshoots.' And I said, 'Look, Chuck, naturally I want to do everything I can to help you, but I also have to think about our production. Let me talk to everybody and figure out what the scheduling would be.' And I went and spoke to [Mission: Impossible-Fallout producer] Jake Myers, and the suggestion was made through channels that we shave the mustache and Henry could begin to grow the mustache back and that then there would be, they would give us the resources to digitally fill in Henry's mustache. Because like it or not, a fake mustache in close-up on a 75mm lens is never going to look like anything but a fake mustache."

"So, we offered the following compromise: Jake Myers calculated the amount of money that it would take to replace the number of shots, and essentially what Jake was able to project was about a $3 million visual effects budget. We said, here's what we'll do: give us the $3 million and we'll shut down, and that will give Henry Cavill the time to grow his mustache back, and we'll just shut our movie down. We said we'll do this, at which point, somebody from Paramount Pictures said, 'What is going on? What are you people even talking about?' They're like, 'There's no way we're going to do that.' We were just like, 'Okay.' That was the best plan that we could come up with." - movieweb

Então, parece que a Paramount não estava pronta para se comprometer aqui.

22.11.2017 / 19:08

Ele era contratualmente obrigado a manter o bigode e era uma pena que a Liga da Justiça tivesse que ser revisada por Joss Whedon.

Estou citando um artigo nerdista :

Cavill was also filming Mission Impossible 6 at the same time as reshoots and his character had facial hair. He was contractually obligated to keep said facial hair, so the mustache had to be very carefully removed by a series of digital artists for Justice League.

22.11.2017 / 19:18