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Who is the strongest guardian ever?

Destiny: 13 Strongest Guardians, Ranked From Weakest To Most Powerful

  • 8 Ana Bray.
  • 7 Shin Malphur.
  • 6 Saladin Forge.
  • 5 Lady Efrideet.
  • 4 Shaxx.
  • 3 Ikora.
  • 2 Osiris.
  • 1 Saint-14.

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Who is Peter Quill's best friend?

Gamora. (Girlfriend and Teammate) Main article: Gamora and Peter Quill Gamora is arguable Peter's best friend and primary love interest to her. Do Star-Lord and Gamora have a child? Warlock and Gamora didn't just become a couple, however — they actually have a child together, albeit an adopted one.

Is Drax in love with Mantis?

Drax has stated in the film he has no feelings for Mantis and finds her to be very ugly. Mantis has said the same about him. However, saying that, Drax has stated Mantis is beautiful on the inside, and did his best to save her when he tried to get her to the Ravager ship. Does Star-Lord have a boyfriend? The way we found out about Star-Lord's sexuality now is through Guardians of the Galaxy No. 9 win which he has two love interests, Mors and Aradia, a couple he would previously turn down for Gamora, but then returns to later in life for a loving bond that lasts over 100 years.

Who ends up with Kitty Pryde?

Peter Quill (Star-Lord)

The two hit it off and started a long distance relationship through holograms. When Star-Lord got into trouble, Kitty went into space to save him. This led to Quill asking Kitty to marry him. She said yes and ended up joining the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Is Steve Rogers romantic? Steve Rogers may have ended up having a life with Peggy Carter in the MCU but his one true love was arguably actually Bucky Barnes.

Does Star-Lord marry Gamora?

In Marvel's comics, Gamora and Star-Lord are both definitely members of the Guardians of the Galaxy — they're just never romantically involved. Instead, Peter is involved with X-Men member Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat), even getting engaged to her at one point before breaking it off pretty recently. Who does Adam Warlock love? Over time, Gamora fell in love with him, but this went nowhere for years, on account of Adam Warlock's decision to avoid romance. They eventually overcame this hurdle, and the two became a couple. Some version of this love story could be adapted for Gamora and Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.

Does Drax like Gamora?

Gamora didn't get along with Drax at first. In fact, he nearly almost killed her because she was once associated with Thanos, the Mad-Titan because he was the reason his daughter and wife were killed. By Vol. 2, Drax and Gamora are close friends, and don't call themselves by other names and are first name terms.

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