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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor is by far the strongest member of the original team considering he is the literal God. He gained a major boost in power following the events of Thor: Ragnarok after losing Mjolnir and learning that his hammer wasn't the source of his strength.

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Does gamma hurt Hulk?

To put it gently, a gamma bomb in the real world would not turn Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulk. Rather, it would likely quickly turn him into a corpse dead from radiation sickness, if not incinerating him instantly. Can electricity hurt Hulk? 5 THE POWER COSMIC

Despite his gentle-looking frame, the Surfer is the host to immense power and can beat the Hulk without even touching him. The Power Cosmic is nearly without limit and can be used in multiple ways, like reverting the Hulk back to Bruce Banner without the Surfer even needing to throw a punch.

Does Hulk know Spider-Man's identity?

By the end of the book, the Hulk reveals he knows Spider-Man's secret identity, and he has known since Peter first unmasked himself to the world during the first Civil War event. This is a major shock to Peter Parker, who thought he erased everyone's memory of his identity in "One More Day". Does Wong remember Peter Parker? That would make Wong the only person in the MCU who, as far as we know, still knows who Peter Parker is. Fortunately, Wong is the Sorcerer Supreme, which means he's about as powerful a friend as Peter Parker could hope to have.

Does everyone forget about Peter Parker?

But at the end of the movie Strange tries again, and this time it works almost too well. Everyone forgets Peter Parker even exists (including the state of New York, evidenced by Peter having to take his GED because his entire high school education basically never happened). Was Hulk scared of Thanos? Thanos Is NOT the One Thing Hulk Fears - the Truth Is Way More Heartbreaking. After Avengers: Infinity War, some people thought Hulk feared Thanos, but the real person he fears is one he can never truly defeat. In Avengers: Infinity War, the Hulk proved that he couldn't take on every threat in the Marvel Universe.

Can banner control the Hulk?

He learned to control Hulk, as you could see when he didn't try to smash all of the avengers along the enemy. On helicarrier he still din't know "his secret", that's why he pummeled them all. Why did Hulk not fight in Endgame? Speaking with Backstory (via ComicBook), McFeely explained why a rematch between the Hulk and Thanos didn't happen in Endgame. Apparently, it had something to do with the state of being for the latter during the movie and that it didn't make sense for him to go up against the Mad Titan mindlessly.

Who inherited Bill Bixby's money?

The decedent was survived by his spouse, Florence G. Bixby (hereinafter called "Mrs. Bixby"), by four children, Katharine Bixby Hotchkis, Florence Elizabeth Bixby Janeway, Deborah Bixby Green, and Fred H. Bixby, Jr., and by eight grandchildren.

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