Não foi .
"He's leaked a lot of magic here," Bink said. "It is quiescent without him, but so long as magical creatures like dragons and centaurs remain, we know it hasn't departed entirely.
(Chapter 14, "Paradox Wish")
Parece que talentos (assim como 'efeitos de feitiço' como petrificação) desapareceram imediatamente:
His talent must have saved him, just before it faded. He could not depend on it any more, however; it was evident that spells had been the first magic to go.
(Chapter 13, Magic Loss)
mas criaturas mágicas foram afetadas apenas lentamente:
"In time you will change into your dominant mundane component, or your offspring will. I think that would be a large snake. I'm sorry."
The dragon stared at him in horror. Then it whipped about and half-galloped, half-slithered off.
They [goblins] seemed to have been bred from men and rats. Now that the magic was gone, the man-aspect was diminishing and the rat-aspect was becoming more pronounced.
(both from Chapter 13, Magic Loss)
Mas mesmo isso não é totalmente explicado (talvez não totalmente consistente), pois as árvores emaranhadas tornam-se imediatamente inertes ...