O script de filme relacionado:
Oh, how the whole world cheered to the thunder of earth's mightiest creation-- Elysium. One small spark to ignite the heavens for the heroes to venture farther and farther than any of mankind's machines! And we slept. We slept a slumber so deep that no one had dared before...as three little Indians were left to mind the store.
Three little Indians with the burden to bear. No more law. Nothing left to care. Just three little souls whose destiny had become undone because there was chop chop chop chop... then there was only one. One little Indian left.
One little Indian left, alone with all his doom. He refuses to go to bed, so what does he do? He decides to stay up and play in his room. What nasty little games he would play with his slumbering prey. He was slayer, he was master. He was both God and the Devil! See, that's what some would say. He would grow to manhood, a self-proclaimed king. Master of his own vessel. Home to his own sin.
He just cast out all who had behaved. Just exiled to the cargo hold to fend amongst themselves... and scavenge, feeding off their own. Evil grew. The king no longer wanted to play. So he returned to his bed of slumber. And while the king slept, a whole new world of evil grew... as we wept.
-- Wikiquote
Eu suspeito que aqueles que se comportaram são passageiros normais que não sofrem de Pandorum. Gallo exilou-os para o porão de carga e os fez se matarem.
Leland acordou cedo do que o resto dos membros da tripulação que haviam sido colocados no sono profundo. Ele aprendeu essa história brutal lendo os desenhos feitos pelas vítimas de Gallo nas paredes da nave.