O espírito do prefeito Wilkins e seu papel na criação de Adam


Ok, então eu sei que Adam era um híbrido humano-ciborgue-demônio criado por Maggie Walsh. Eu sei que a parte humana de Adão foi um membro da Iniciativa que foi morto. A parte em que estou confuso é o fato de que o artigo Adam no wiki da Buffy afirma que:

Adam was once a human member of the Initiative who met his end at the hands of a demon corpse possessed by the ghost of Mayor Wilkins; having been one of her favorite agents, Professor Walsh vowed to bring him back to life and placed his body in her 314 Project.

Eu assisti Buffy até este ponto, mas não consigo encontrar nenhuma referência no programa sobre onde isso é mencionado?

Além disso, no artigo de Richard Wilkins , ele diz:

Wilkins lived on as a ghost for a while, possessing the bodies of dead animals, demons, and vampires. In the process, he was responsible for the creation of Adam, when he possesses the corpse of a powerful demon (his earlier vampire body had been captured by the Initiative) and badly injured the then-human Adam. After a battle with Buffy in the clock tower, where Buffy finally learned of his inhuman nature after she decapitating his current body to no effect. Willow, with the assistance of Xander and Buffy, sent him to the next realm. Faith later told Angel in prison that she recalled the Mayor's ghost visiting her using the body of a dead bird while she was in her coma.

Quando isso aconteceu?

por Ryan Perry 09.09.2014 / 23:40

1 resposta

Isso está se referindo à história em quadrinhos de Buffy " Haunted ", uma brochura comercial não-canônica que coleta várias histórias em quadrinhos baseadas na série de televisão de Buffy.

De acordo com a Buffy wikia

Haunted #3
The recently-killed Mayor of Sunnydale plans his strike against Buffy. Wilkins formalizes his plans to hit back at Buffy while she's tormented with dreams. There is also something weird happening beneath the University campus in Sunnydale, something Wilkins will not like.

Haunted #4
Wilkins takes possession of a powerful body and tries to destroy Buffy. He discovers this body in the Initiative labs. Xander leaves while Willow thinks about college life. Buffy must face Wilkins without knowing what or who he is, and must try to figure out Faith's message: "You're already dead."

09.09.2014 / 23:55