Nunca é revelado quem são os exércitos invasores; mas eles parecem estar invadindo devido à necessidade de terra.
Acontece que a origem do exército invasor nunca foi revelada . Sugere-se que o autor original tenha feito isso para limitar a ofensa ao país na vida real , devido ao modo como o exército atua na série atual. Em minha pesquisa, os inimigos são mostrados como (na maior parte) cruéis e "sem qualidades redentoras". Eu encontrei especulações de que o exército é francês , chinês , malaio , coreano , indonésio , e mais genericamente, asiático .
Um motivo constante é que o exército invasor deseja aproveitar todo o nosso espaço não desenvolvido. Eu acho que ninguém disse a eles que não está desenvolvido porque é também , principalmente, inabitável .
Temos mais informações sobre quem são não .
Um artigo sobre fornece uma visão do que sabemos sobre o inimigo dos livros:The Enemy at mine):
Anyway, it is easier to identify who they are not. They are not:
- New Zealand (as they fight on our side)
- Papua New Guinea (as the fight on our side)
- The United States of America (as they supply us with equipment)
- Japan (as they supply us with equipment)
- India (as they try and broker a peace deal)
So who are they ? What are their characteristics ?
- They speak a guttural language, with a sort of wailing music to it (The Dead of the Night, p44)
- Their language is nothing that Fi recognises (and she knows about 6), Lee doesn't recognise it and he knows Thai and Vietnamese, Homer does not recognise it and he knows Greek nor does Ellie (with her poor French).
- They are ruled by a general - likely a military dictatorship (*Tomorrow, When the War Began*, p168)
- They have a large population, several times ours (otherwise they wouldn't have a hope of pulling of an occupation)
- They use a different alphabet to us [Australians](The Night is for Hunting, p128 - a soap packet wrapper)
- They were either colonised by a European power with a royal family or have one of their own (The Other Side of Dawn, p192 - Colonel Long's rank insignia is three crowns) but not by the British as the invader's insignia for a Colonel is a crown and two stars.
- They have at least one aircraft carrier (The Third Day, The Frost, p82)
- They have a base nearby to Victoria (that's where they invade, and for a successful invasion you need a nearby base, see Invading Australia
O autor do artigo continua sugerindo que o que sabemos não corresponde a nenhum único país, e que eles acreditam que isso tenha sido um dispositivo de enredo deliberado, na parte de John Marsden. O autor toma nota de uma teoria popular de que o exército é simplesmente asiático, mas comenta que eles interpretam o exército como francês.
O artigo da Wikipedia sobre a série comenta que o exército invasor é uma coalizão de países sul-asiáticos , buscando uma solução para a superpopulação. "Tomorrow series" at Wikipedia (emphasis mine) Um usuário também perguntou sobre o exército, no Quora , e mais uma vez, estamos apenas encontrou-se com especulação: "In John Marsden's Tomorrow, when the war began, who is the invading army" at Quora(emphasis mine) "It is never actually mentioned, in the books or movies. It is likely to be Indoneisa, our neighbour to the North has a strong military, and they have a lot of peopl[sic] and not enough space. They aren't as fortunate as Australia for sure, and in the movie, it is mentioned that the invaders are Australia's "less fortunate neighbours[sic]." It can't be China, simply because then New Zealand, even in with their military super boosted by the war, would never be able to win against China. Apparently the North Korean flag can be seen on the helmets of the soldiers in the movie, and it makes sense, nobody from North Korea will ever be offended by this, and I didn't notice this flag at all, keeping in mind I learnt[sic] this fact after watching the movie. The invading army seems far two equipped and capable, with tw[sic] is, army, and good aircraft, to be the DPRK. And even then, the U.S. Would probably jump at the chance to save a nation from invasion from North Korea, especially a western country, and an ally. I can't see it being China or North Korea, so even though technically, the answer is nothing, because it is never mentioned, but I would have to say Indonesia, Papua New Guinea was allied with Australia during this war, and they also wouldn't be able to successfully take over Australia. The same with Malaysia, but they don't have a very high population, so they wouldn't need to invade as much as indoneisa[sic] would. I guess it could be Singapore, they have a strong airforce, but because they probably don't have a good enough population for the invasion, and they could easily be beaten by Indonesia, even though I think Singapore has a better airforce, if they were to invade Australia, assuming indoneisa[sic] doesn't help." Há sugestão de que os invasores são uma coalizão sul-asiática .
Likewise, no parts of the war outside Ellie's immediate perspective are covered; the reader is not informed exactly how much of the country is under enemy control, or how well the war is going for the Australian military. However the invaders are described in the series as a coalition of highly populous South Asian nations seeing the vast underdeveloped spaces of Australia as a way to tackle their overpopulation (Most likely Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines) and the series features multinational colonies of enemy civilians being set up in conquered territory. Outro usuário encontra muitas semelhanças com Indonésia .
Beren Wollensack, Lives in Australia, misses Harambe
Updated Feb 10 2016