Onde a Sra. Beaver conseguiu uma máquina de costura?


Em O Leão, a Feiticeira e o Guarda-Roupa , a Sra. Beaver tem uma máquina de costura que ela usa em sua primeira aparição (ênfase minha).

The first thing that Lucy noticed as she went in was a kind of burring sound, and the first thing she saw was a kind-looking old she-beaver sitting in the corner with a thread in her mouth working busily at her sewing machine, as it was from it that the sound came.

Narnia não é conhecida por suas fábricas que produzem máquinas como esta, e parece bastante fora do lugar com o nível técnico geral da terra (além do poste de luz, que eu lembro de ter uma explicação em The Magician's Nephew ).

Então onde a Sra. Beaver conseguiu uma máquina de costura?

por Thunderforge 16.05.2018 / 03:45

1 resposta

No final de O Sobrinho do Mago , o primeiro rei e a rainha são:

Frank, a London hansom cab driver, and his wife Helen.

Eles foram transportados da Londres eduardiana, então ambos estavam familiarizados com a tecnologia dos anos 1900, incluindo as máquinas de costura mecânicas. (Especialmente a rainha, criada em uma época em que mulheres de sua classe social faziam roupas para os membros da família, ou pelo menos consertavam ou ajustavam roupas compradas ou de segunda mão.) Em algum momento, o rei e a rainha vão precisar de roupas novas (especialmente porque não tiveram a chance de fazer as malas), e faz sentido que eles mencionassem o conveniente dispositivo para poupar trabalho para ajudar.

Então, quem faz as máquinas de costura? Os anões são os candidatos mais prováveis (negrito adicionado):

“Carry him aside and lay him down,” said Aslan. “Now, Dwarfs! Show your smith-craft. Let me see you make two crowns for your King and Queen.”

More Dwarfs than you could dream of rushed forward to the Golden Tree. They had all its leaves stripped off, and some of its branches torn off too, before you could say Jack Robinson. And now the children could see that it did not merely look golden but was of real, soft gold. It had of course sprung from the place where the sovereigns had fallen out of Uncle Andrew’s pocket when he was turned upside down; just as the silver tree had grown up from the half-crowns. From nowhere, as it seemed, piles of dry brushwood for fuel, a little anvil, hammers, tongs, and bellows were produced. Next moment (how those Dwarfs loved their work) the fire was blazing, the bellows were roaring, the gold was melting, the hammers were clinking. Two Moles, whom Aslan had set to dig (which was what they liked best) earlier in the day, poured out a pile of precious stones at the Dwarfs’ feet. Under the clever fingers of the little smiths two crowns took shape—not ugly, heavy things like modern European crowns, but light, delicate, beautifully shaped circlets that you could really wear and look nicer by wearing. The King’s was set with rubies and the Queen’s with emeralds.

É razoável supor que os anões talentosos precisavam apenas de uma visão geral do rei ou da rainha para poder elaborar um projeto. Eles podem até ter desenvolvido uma pequena indústria com as toupeiras.

16.05.2018 / 17:47