Paranormalidade (2010)
Paranormalcy follows the efforts of the International Paranormal Containment Agency (IPCA), a group tasked with policing various mythological beings who live secretly among humans. The protagonist of the story is an IPCA officer named Evie, a teenage girl who possesses an ability to detect paranormals disguised as human beings.
Evie's allies include a shape-shifting boy named Lend, who she meets as the story begins, and a faerie named Reth, whom she previously admired. Both young men become romantic interests of Evie's as the tale progresses, while the three of them are joined by other companions as well. At its center, Paranormalcy examines Evie's attempts to balance her IPCA duties with her growing desire to lead a normal teenage life.
Foi seguido Sobrenaturalmente (2011), onde Evie flerta com uma vida normal e aprende mais sobre o seu passado e Endlessly (2012), que segundo a Wikipedia, " Evie precisa lidar com um novo diretor do IPCA, bem como com a contínua batalha contra a Rainha das Fadas das Trevas. "