As senhas e o acesso que eles concederam eram seu plano de backup. Eles permitiriam que ele saísse se algo acontecesse.
I pulled up my indenturement profile, accessed my debt statement, and zeroed out my outstanding balance—money I’d never actually borrowed to begin with. Then I selected the Indentured Servant Observation and Communications Tag control settings submenu, which operated both my eargear and security anklet. Finally, I did something I’d been dying to do for the past week—I disabled the locking mechanisms on both devices.
Ready Player One - 0031
O que aconteceu foi a descoberta de que ele precisava sair 5 dias antes.
Before my arrest, I’d set up a timed funds transfer that would deposit enough money in my IOI credit account to pay off my entire debt, forcing IOI to release me from indenturement. But that transfer wouldn’t happen or another five days. By then, the Sixers would probably have Art3mis and Shoto locked in a windowless room somewhere. I couldn’t spend the rest of the week exploring the Sixer database, like I’d planned. I had to grab as much data as I could and make my escape now.
Ready Player One - 0030
(toda ênfase é minha)
Mas se por algum motivo os fundos não forem cumpridos dentro do cronograma, ele poderia usar as senhas para sair de qualquer maneira.
I was understandably anxious, because if it turned out I’d been sold bogus data and none of the passwords worked, I would have sold myself into lifelong slavery.
Ready Player One - 0030
Então, sua preocupação era que uma de suas camadas de redundância não funcionasse, aumentando assim o risco de toda a operação substancialmente. Talvez uma escolha de palavras melhor tenha sido "poderia" , mas é o que é.