Quais são essas velocidades características "F, S, O"?


Estou me preparando para um exame de aviônica e encontrei uma pergunta perguntando o significado de F, S e O . Eles parecem ser "Velocidades características", calculadas pelo sistema de gerenciamento de vôo (FMS):

por MrYouMath 04.10.2017 / 12:14

1 resposta

F speed is the minimum speed at which flaps should be retracted from CONF 3 or 2 to CONF 1+F.

S speed is the minimum slats retraction speed, i.e. the minimum speed at which a clean configuration should be selected.

GD speed is the engine-out operating speed in clean configuration. In other words, it corresponds to the speed that allows the highest climb gradient with one engine inoperative in clean configuration.

fonte: link

04.10.2017 / 15:46