Por favor, confirme o papel de River Song em Doctor Who


Is River Song Amy Pond's daughter and the Doctor's lover? I'm sorry but I'd be very disconcerted to realize that the person who could potentially kill you, who you love, who is directly related to one of your best friends, and to top it off you have all been meeting backwards in time.

Então, eu gostaria de saber se isso é verdade ou não.

por JustinKaz 02.04.2012 / 01:41

2 respostas

A única maneira de responder isso é com, como River ou o Doctor diria, "spoilers".

River Song is the result of an attempt to create a weapon that could be used against the Doctor to kill him. She is Amy Pond's daughter, taken from her at birth. The next time, in River's timeline, as of now, that she sees Amy is when she appears as Amy's friend Melody.

It is a rather convoluted timeline, which would probably be much easier to follow if River's timeline (in terms of meeting the Doctor) weren't running backwards.

02.04.2012 / 02:21

Sua informação está basicamente correta. A história de River Song é baseada em sua vida como uma arma para destruir o Doctor.

Esta linha do tempo pode ajudar:

26.05.2012 / 08:07
