Ciri foi estuprada?


No final do Tempo de Desprezo, Ciri se junta a uma banda de Ratos. Na primeira noite deles, Kayleigh tenta estuprá-la.

He lay down beside her, slowly and cautiously. Ciri tried to get up, but Kayleigh pressed her down onto her bed with a strong and firm, though not rough, movement. He placed his fingers gently on her mouth. Although he needn’t have. Ciri was paralysed with fear, and she couldn’t have uttered a cry from her tight, painfully dry throat even if she had wanted to. But she didn’t want to. The silence and darkness were better. Safer. More familiar. She was covered in terror and shame. She groaned.

‘Be quite, little one,’ whispered Kayleigh, slowly unlacing her shirt. Slowly, with gentle movements, he slid the material from her shoulders, and pulled the edge of the shirt above her hips. ‘And don’t be afraid.

You’ll see how nice it is.’

Ciri shuddered beneath the touch of the dry, hard, rough hand. She lay motionless, stiff and tense, full of an overpowering fear which took her will away, and an overwhelming sense of revulsion, which assailed her temples and cheeks with waves of heat. Kayleigh slipped his left arm beneath her head, pulled her closer to him, trying to dislodge the hand which was tightly gripping the lap of her shirt and vainly trying to pull it downwards. Ciri began to shake.

Ele é interrompido por Mistle

Mistle lay down beside her, and covered her tenderly with the fur. But she didn’t pull the dishevelled shirt down. She left it as it had been. Ciri began to shake again.

‘Be still, Falka. It’s all right now.’

Mistle was warm, and smelled of resin and smoke. Her hand was smaller than Kayleigh’s; more delicate, softer. More pleasant. But its touch stiffened Ciri once more, once more gripped her entire body with fear and revulsion, clenched her jaw and constricted her throat. Mistle lay close to her, cradling her protectively and whispering soothingly, but at the same time, her small hand relentlessly crept like a warm, little snail, calmly, confidently, decisively. Certain of its way and its destination. Ciri felt the iron pincers of revulsion and fear relaxing, releasing their hold; she felt herself slipping from their grip and sinking downwards, downwards, deep, deeper and deeper, into a warm and wet well of resignation and helpless submissiveness. A disgusting and humiliatingly pleasant submissiveness.

She moaned softly, desperately. Mistle’s breath scorched her neck. Her moist, velvet lips tickled her shoulder, her collarbone, very slowly sliding lower. Ciri moaned again.

‘Quiet, Falcon,’ whispered Mistle, gently sliding her arm under her head. ‘You won’t be alone now. Not any more.’

Será que a Mistle a estuprou? O que aconteceu aqui?

por BlueMoon93 04.04.2018 / 10:37

3 respostas

É bastante sugerido que, no final de "A dama do lago" Ciri ainda é virgem no sentido tradicional: ela não teve relações sexuais com um homem (de bom grado ou não). Parece que o destino em si é contra isso: todos os seus supostos parceiros morrem antes que a ação possa ser feita: um morre, uma overdose.

Quando se trata da cena com Mistle: parece que ela seduziu Ciri, não se forçou:

Certain of its way and its destination. Ciri felt the iron pincers of revulsion and fear relaxing, releasing their hold; she felt herself slipping from their grip and sinking downwards, downwards, deep, deeper and deeper, into a warm and wet well of resignation and helpless submissiveness. A disgusting and humiliatingly pleasant submissiveness.

Ser submissa no sexo não implica em estupro.

Além disso, Ciri e Mistle formam um relacionamento bastante strong e Ciri genuinamente se preocupa com Mistle (e vice-versa) - algo que seria difícil imaginar se ela a encontrasse como estupradora.

The young girls approached it. Mistle bought two stick wrapped in snowy sweetness and gave one to the gray-haired girl. She delicately nibbled. The white flacks stuck to her lips. Mistle wiped them off with gentle movements and careful treatment. The gray-haired ones emerald eyes widened, she slowly licked her lips, smiled and shook her head mockingly. [...] ‘My cotton candy,’ cried the girl, looking at the candy lying in the sand. ‘I dropped my cotton candy...’ Mistle hugged her. ‘I’ll buy you another.’

I am Falka. But I was not always. Not always. She pursed her lips together. I have been unpleasant to Mistle, she thought. I have hurt her. I have to apologize in some way.

Além disso, quando ela está fazendo sexo com outra, ela pensa em seu amante:

When he touched her, she could not help but stiffen and was angry with herself as she was determined to show him she was proud and distant to the end. Her teeth, needless to say, chattered slightly. But the elf’s electrifying touch calmed her, and his fingers began to teach and give orders. To give directions. In time she began to assimilate so well to his indications she could almost anticipate them. She closed her eyes and imagined it was Mistle who was at her side.

Além disso, Mistle não foi insistente com a atenção dela:

‘I asked you,’ Ciri growled angrily, lying on her back, ‘not to touch me.’ Mistle withdrew her hand which was tickling the back of Ciri’s neck, stretched out beside her, folded her hands under her shaved head and stared at the sky.
‘You have been acting strange lately, Hawk.’
‘I just don’t want to be touched, that’s all.’

É questão de discussão, esse ato foi um estupro:

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability or is below the legal age of consent

ou foi uma mera sedução:

Seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person, to engage in a relationship, to lead astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; to corrupt, to persuade or induce to engage in sexual behaviour.
Seduction, seen negatively, involves temptation and enticement, often sexual in nature, to lead someone astray into a behavioural choice they would not have made if they were not in a state of sexual arousal.

Vamos no final fazer um pouco de advogado aqui: o ato sexual é estupro e perseguido como crime somente quando é denunciado como tal pela vítima (já que a testemunha pode ter uma fantasia consensual por um crime ou estupro por relações sexuais consensuais) . A julgar pelos exemplos fornecidos acima, eu não acredito que Ciri diria que ela foi estuprada por Mistle.

05.04.2018 / 10:25

Para responder à sua pergunta, não. Kayleigh tentou estuprá-la, mas não fez com que ele fosse interrompido. Mas Mistle não a forçou, parece que ela estava satisfeita com isso. Leia a passagem novamente, disse

"A disgusting and humiliatingly pleasant submissiveness.
She moaned softly, desperately."

A maioria das cenas de estupro em ambos os livros e filmes a garota não só diz a palavra não, mas ela chora e grita e os gemidos são altos e você pode ouvir a dor que eles não são suaves e desesperados. Então, como Ciri não chora, grita ou implora ou fala a palavra não. Não foi um estupro.

05.04.2018 / 06:37

Se você ler, Ciri lamentou o ato na manhã seguinte, quando acordou cedo para se lavar. Dizem que "tudo foi lavado na neblina" e o modo como foi escrito fez com que parecesse lamento e vergonha. Além disso, a maneira como ambas as interações foram escritas, Ciri agiu da mesma forma em ambos, para chamar um estupro e o outro não é um disparate.

A Síndrome de Estocolmo pode ser um fator considerando que a Mistle "a salvou" da outra. Ciri estava assustada e confusa nesse ponto, sem saber o que fazer ou aonde ir.

21.11.2018 / 23:03