De acordo com a NTSB completa relatório , segue um resumo do que fez com que o trem de pouso do nariz (NLG) girasse 90 ° em Vôo 292 .
During flight, Brake Steering Control Unit (BSCU) performs1 cyclic tests which slightly rotates NLG from the 0° position. Due to this fatigue, two of the four anti-rotation lugs on the NLG upper support assembly fractured and separated. This allowed NLG to deviate from the 0° position. Another contributing factor was BSCU system logic, which prevented NLG from centering. Also contributing was the lack of a procedure to attempt to reset the BSCU system under these conditions.
Este site tem algumas fotos legais do trem de pouso do nariz antes e depois do pouso.
Um resumo da investigação pode ser encontrado aqui .
1 : O BSCU tem outras funções também.