Há um pouco mais de informação na novela oficial do filme , co-autoria do produtor do filme, Dean Devlin. .
Como eles se conectaram? Via fios, claro
Quando David está no Hangar, o laptop é conectado diretamente na unidade de blindagem do ônibus espacial. Ele transfere comandos para ele através de um cabo , o que significa que nenhuma conexão sem fio foi necessária ...
David walked over to a rolling tool shelf where he’d set up his laptop
computer. It was connected to a cable that ran through the shield,
into the cockpit of the alien craft, and plugged into the shield
receiving unit he’d repaired earlier that day.
Mais tarde, quando eles estão no navio eles se conectam à nave-mãe através da aleta no topo da embarcação menor ...
“Dr. Okun showed me that the long fin like structure on top of the
attacker is full of terminal wiring. He hypothesized that whatever
type of computer link they run, the fin is the connector. When one of
these attackers docks inside the larger ships, some type of connection
is established through the fin.”
... e transfira o arquivo de vírus do laptop para o ônibus espacial para a nave-mãe através de conexões com fio em todas as etapas ...
The moment the clamps locked them in place, the movements on the
screen, which showed the status of the protective shield, reversed
their direction. That told David that they were connected to the
source. He switched over to another screen, which flashed the words
“Negotiating with Host.” He held his breath as the signal analyzer
program sorted through the billions of possibilities. Then, much
sooner than he expected, the machine beeped and displayed a new
message, “Connecting to Host.”
Como eles conseguem hackear o navio alienígena? - porque os alienígenas programam em binário
Quanto à forma como eles foram capazes de se comunicar com o navio alienígena, isso é explicado como sendo uma função de skillz h4x0r básica. Os alienígenas programam seus computadores em binário e isso os deixa expostos a serem infiltrados:
It only took the pair of brainiacs a few minutes to solve their first
problem. They tore the green screen loose and delicately attached a
pair of alligator clasps to the sinewy wiring on the back.
Although the machine had been built thousands of years before in
another part of the universe, the data feeding into it was arranged in
a binary system, a continuous string of ones and zeros, or whatever
the alien equivalent was. Neither Okun nor David cared at that point’
just as long as the little laptop could read the sequence.