Onde estão os outros Baelishes, se houver algum?


Eu tive um pensamento aleatório: Petyr Baelish ainda tem algum parente? O que aconteceu com seus pais? Quaisquer irmãos? Qualquer criança legítima ou ilegítima?

por Mark Gabriel 05.07.2015 / 14:45

1 resposta

The device painted on the shield was one Sansa did not know; a grey stone head with fiery eyes, upon a light green field. "My grandfather's shield," Petyr explained when he saw her gazing at it. "His own father was born in Braavos and came to the Vale as a sellsword in the hire of Lord Corbray, so my grandfather took the head of the Titan as his sigil when he was knighted."
(A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold, p.357)

Então, o bisavô de Littlefinger era Braavosi, mas seu avô era um cavaleiro de sebe de Westerosi.

E na próxima página:

"Well, you can scarcely be my true-born daughter. I've never taken a wife, that's well known. What should you be called?"

"I ... I could call myself after my mother ..."

"Catelyn? A bit too obvious ... but after my mother, that would serve. Alayne. Do you like it?"

Então sua mãe foi nomeada Alayne, e ele não tem filhos legítimos . Quanto aos filhos ilegítimos, há especulações de que Robert / Robin Arryn pode ser realmente o filho bastardo de Littlefinger. e mesmo que Sansa Stark pode realmente ser sua filha bastarda , mas nenhuma confirmação de qualquer maneira.

Citação de uma entrevista com o GRRM :

In response to the why was LF fostered at Riverrun when he was a insignificant lord question: GRRM said that Petyr's father and Hoster met up during the War of the Ninepenny Kings and became friends. Apparently that was a time when a lot of people from all over the realm forged friendships. LF's dad later "cashed in" on the friendship to get LF fostered at Riverrun.

Então seu pai era suficientemente alto na sociedade para ser considerado um amigo pelo Lorde Tully.

05.07.2015 / 21:12