Alguém pode me explicar o final de Foxglove Summer (PC Peter Grant # 5)?


Acabei de terminar a (atualmente) última parte da série de Peter Grant do PC de Ben Aaronovitch. No final:

Victory (the mother of one of the abducted children) goes out into the woods to replace the just-replaced child with the one that was replaced earlier. Peter steps in, and exchanges himself for both children. Then, out of nowhere, Beverly comes and takes Peter back.

Então, sim, é um tanto confuso e, deve-se dizer, relativamente insatisfatório no que diz respeito aos finais e explicações. Eu entendo que Aaronovitch, em parte, quer manter um ar de mistério sobre como as criaturas mágicas e mágicas funcionam, em parte, quer criar futuros romances. Mas ainda assim, quase nenhum dos últimos dois capítulos parecem fazer sentido em si mesmos:

Where did the second child that was originally replaced come from? Why did the queen want to switch them back now? If the queen wanted to switch them back, why would she sway Victoria to come switch them yet again? What did she even want with those children, given that she apparently did not care at all which human she got in the end? And if any human works, then why the heck is she keeping replacing them? How is this ending any solution, will she not just abduct the next child during the next moon phase?

Tenho a sensação de que estou sentindo falta de algo aqui, provavelmente porque não conheço bem a fada. Talvez alguém possa me esclarecer?

por xLeitix 16.08.2015 / 19:37

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