É bastante claro que a capacidade mental de Jonas o coloca entre os Kelownans mais intelectualmente capazes. Além de possuir vários graus da universidade mais prestigiada de Kelowna (e ser encarregado de trabalhar em seu projeto científico mais importante) ele também parece ter uma memória eidética, como ele menciona a Sam Carter no episódio SG1: Redemption Part 1
JONAS : You know, Major…I'm as physically fit as anybody on this base and I've committed to memory almost all of Doctor Jackson's work…
CARTER : Everything?
JONAS : According to the tests Doctor Fraiser administered, I have the ability to learn much quicker than the average human.
No episódio SG1: Metamorphosis , o Goa'uld Nirrti coloca-o em um Dispositivo de manipulação genética criado pelos antigos e revela que ele é consideravelmente mais evoluído do que a média humana. Eu editei a transcrição para breve;
NIRRTI : You are not human.
JONAS : Oh, I'm human. I'm just not from Earth. A Goa'uld like yourself took my ancestors from Earth thousands of years ago and enslaved them.
NIRRTI : Those few thousand years on another world have changed you more than you know.
[Jonas awakens on a mattress surrounded by pillows. Nirrti lounges on a chaise nearby.] JONAS : Why did you…bring me here?
NIRRTI : Because you are different.
JONAS : How's that?
NIRRTI : You are much closer than the others. With my help you could complete the transformation [to become a Hok'taur]
JONAS : And end up looking like those others?
NIRRTI : No, I assure you. You must know that you are capable of much more than the petty tasks that life among the Tau'ri can offer.